Aviation Scholarships

About Aviation Scholarships: Flex Air is committed to making flight training more accessible and affordable for aspiring pilots. Flex Air offers a comprehensive range of flight school financing options to accommodate diverse financial situations. We have also taken the initiative to publish an extensive guide to Aviation Scholarships. This guide is designed to provide detailed information on available scholarships in the aviation field, aiming to help students find and secure additional funding opportunities to alleviate the cost of their training. 

This page updates daily! We sort your scholarship options by application date, so be sure to check back on a regular basis.

About Flex Air Flight School: Based in San Diego, CA, with additional flight training locations in Kansas City and Manhattan, KS, Flex Air Flight School leads in aviation training with a mission to elevate non-traditional students into aviation careers. In addition to its Pilot Pathway programs for civilian students, Flex Air helps military members and veterans into civilian aviation careers. Known for its excellence, support, and 100% career placement record, Flex Air remains a top choice for anyone transitioning to the skies.

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Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
High School Seniors & College Students
This scholarship is named after Richard L. Taylor, Professor Emeritus, who for 22 years was the director of flight operations and education at The Ohio State University. Professor Taylor is the award-winning author of 14 books on aviation, including...

Edward W. Stimpson Aviation Excellence Award

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
High School Senior
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) is an international trade association dedicated to fostering and advancing the general welfare, safety, interests, and activities of the global business and general aviation industry. GAMA...
The AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship was created in 2022 to encourage young women to study aerospace engineering and pursue a career in the aerospace defense industry. The scholarship is named for Marillyn Hewson, former chairman,...
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[{id=154979521190, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480157, path='willard-g-plentl-sr-aviation-scholarship-program', name='Willard G. Plentl Sr. Aviation Scholarship Program', 1='{type=string, value=Willard G. Plentl Sr. Aviation Scholarship Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Mar}', 7='{type=string, value=Virginia Department of Aviation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: Yes, the Willard G. Plentl Sr. Aviation Scholarship Program is renewable. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=willard-g-plentl-sr-aviation-scholarship-program}', 17='{type=string, value=• Open to Virginia high school seniors • Must have at least a 3.50 unweighted GPA • Must be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://doav.virginia.gov/contentassets/099e5bf87d614bd2b4006836a56ad6b5/2019---2020-kenneth-r-scott-scholarship.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://doav.virginia.gov/programs-and-services/education/}', 20='{type=string, value=22-Mar-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

Willard G. Plentl Sr. was born in Houston, Texas, and began pilot training in the Army Air Corps in 1942. Mr. Plentl had a successful career as a military pilot that included serving during the Korean War and flying a variety of aircraft from trainers to bombers to fighters.

After his retirement from the Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1962, Mr. Plentl accepted a position with the Commonwealth of Virginia as Assistant Director, Division of Aeronautics, Virginia State Corporation Commission, and in 1964 he became Director of Aeronautics. In 1970, he was a member of the President's Aviation Advisory Commission, which helped shape America's current aviation system. Mr. Plentl retired from the Virginia Department of Aviation in 1984 and was elected to the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame that same year.

Mr. Plentl passed away May 19, 7.005 leaving behind a devoted family and a record of outstanding service to aviation. In honor of this remarkable gentleman and his 22 years of service to the Commonwealth of Virginia, this scholarship program has been established. 
Scholarship Requirements  

The Willard G. Plentl Aviation Scholarship, in the amount of $2,500, will be awarded to a Virginia High School senior who is planning an aviation career in a non-engineering area. A certification of acceptance into a non - engineering, aviation related postsecondary education program is required. Examples of non-engineering aviation careers include (but are not limited to) pilots, aviation maintenance technicians, aviation managers, etc. Scholarship applicants must have an Li nweighted GPA of at least 3.5. One scholarship of $2,500 will be awarded each year and is renewable. 

}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987637, name='High School Freshman'}, {id=156163987638, name='High School Sophomore'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361622, name='Virginia Department of Aviation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1709251200000}'}, {id=158016098725, createdAt=1708620805291, updatedAt=1711424480157, path='the-kitty-hawk-maintenance-scholarship', name='The Kitty Hawk Maintenance Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=The Kitty Hawk Maintenance Scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/docs.ashx?id=1253754}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=779885&module_id=284131}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000}', 20='{type=string, value=22-Feb-24}', 5='{type=string, value=High School & College Students}', 21='{type=string, value=For Aviation Maintenance Technology- Established in 2023 and donated by the William Penn Foundation to be used exclusively for the development and education of aviation maintenance technicians.}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Mar}', 7='{type=string, value=Aero Club of New England}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361503, name='Aero Club of New England'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1709251200000}'}, {id=154979521120, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480124, path='john-t-griffin-acone-aircraft-maintenance-scholarships', name='John T. Griffin, Sr. Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=John T. Griffin, Sr. Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aero Club of New England}', 8='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/docs.ashx?id=1253754}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aero Club of New England at jbbuckaroo@gmail.com. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace,Other Category,Low Income,State,Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,Miscellaneous,Applicants must (1) be at least 16 years old and (2) intend to pursue a professional aviation maintenance career.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=6, name='1-page essay', order=5, label='1-page essay'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=acone-aircraft-maintenance-scholarships}', 15='{type=string, value=The Aero Club of New England lost one of its most famous and loved members during 1999. This scholarship now in Memory of John Griffin, Sr. was established in 1992 and funded annually by the Aero Club of New England for a student in Aviation Maintenance Technology at East Coast Aero Tech. John T. Griffin, Sr., a former President of the Aero Club and a pioneer transatlantic pilot, founded East Coast AeroTechnical School in 1932 and served as its President until 1975. He was also Chief Pilot and Operations Manager for Northeast Airlines. Mr. Griffin was the 1977 recipient of the Godfrey Lowell Cabot Award in1977, and was named an Elder Statesman of Aviation by the National Aeronautic Association}', 17='{type=string, value=To be eligible for any of these pilot scholarships the applicant must: ‚Ä¢ Intend to pursue a professional aviation maintenance career ‚Ä¢ Be a full time New England resident and a U.S. Citizen ‚Ä¢ Use scholarship funds in one year ‚Ä¢ Demonstrate a financial need and scholarship for the award ‚Ä¢ Be at least 16 years of age ‚Ä¢ Take the training at a FAA FAR Part 147 compliant school in New England The applicant is solely responsible for completion of all six (6) parts of the application and for the submission by the due date of March 30. Use additional sheets of paper as needed. Please type, print, or write legibly in ink. Only complete application packages will be considered. Proof of U.S. citizenship must be provided to receive the awards.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/docs.ashx?id=1253754}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=779885&module_id=284131}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=For Aviation Maintenance Technology- Established in 1992 and funded by the Aero Club of New England. The Aero Club of New England lost one of its most famous and loved members in 1999. This scholarship, now in memory of John Griffin, Sr. was established in 1992 and funded annually by the Aero Club of New England for a student in Aviation Maintenance Technology at National Aviation Academy.

John T. Griffin, Sr. (1902-1999) was a former President of the Aero Club and a pioneer transatlantic pilot, founded East Coast Aero Technical School in 1932 and served as its President until 1975. He was also Chief Pilot and Operations Manager for Northeast Airlines. Mr. Griffin was the 1977 recipient of the Godfrey Lowell Cabot Award in 1977, and was named an Elder Statesman of Aviation by the National Aeronautic Association.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/28_acone_aircraft_maintenance_scholarships_154979521120.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361503, name='Aero Club of New England'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711843200000}'}, {id=154979521121, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480124, path='lou-hotte-acone-aviation-management-scholarships', name='The Lou Hotte Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=The Lou Hotte Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aero Club of New England}', 8='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/docs.ashx?id=1253754}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aero Club of New England at jbbuckaroo@gmail.com. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Computer Science, Aviation/Aerospace,Other Category,Low Income,State,Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,Miscellaneous,Applicants must be (1) at least 16 years old and (2) intend to pursue a professional aviation maintenance career.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=6, name='1-page essay', order=5, label='1-page essay'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=acone-aviation-management-scholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=779885&module_id=284132}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=For Aviation Maintenance Technology- Established in 2020 and donated by the Hotte Family. The award commemorates Lou's career in aviation, to support others who wish to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace.

Lou John Hotte (1953- 2020) was an engineer for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft in Hartford, CT, working on numerous military and commercial jet engine programs for over 30 years. Lou received his airframe and power plant certification from East Coast Aero Technical School in Boston and then went on to Parks School of Aeronautics in St. Louis, Missouri, where he obtained his Bachelors’ degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He later went on to earn his Masters of Science degree from RPI. }', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/29_acone_aviation_management_scholarships_154979521121.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361503, name='Aero Club of New England'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711843200000}'}, {id=154979521122, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480125, path='fred-cormier-acone-pilot-training-scholarships-', name='The Fred Cormier Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=The Fred Cormier Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aero Club of New England}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, mail your completed application, a photocopy of the two most recent pages of your flight records, and the below application materials to: Dr. Jeff Bauer, PH-A, 555 SE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aero Club of New England at https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=4&club_id=779885&actr=3. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace,Other Category,Low Income,State,Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont,Miscellaneous,Applicants must (1) be at least 16 years old, (2) hold a current Airman Certificate, (3) hold a current Medical Certificate, and (4) have accumulated at least 100 hours of total flight time.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=acone-pilot-training-scholarships}', 17='{type=string, value=‚Ä¢ Intend to pursue a professional aviation career ‚Ä¢ Hold a current Airman Certificate (copy required) ‚Ä¢ Hold a current Medical Certificate (copy required) ‚Ä¢ Have accumulated total flight time of 100 hours ‚Ä¢ Take the training at a New England Facility doing business as a Flight School ‚Ä¢ Be at least 16 years of age ‚Ä¢ Demonstrate financial need ‚Ä¢ Demonstrate exceptional scholastic ability ‚Ä¢ Have a current Biennial Flight Review ‚Ä¢ Be full time U.S. citizen and New England resident}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=31&club_id=779885&action=login&sl=1845331817}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.acone.org/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=779885&module_id=284130}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=For Aviation Maintenance Technology- Established in 2023. Frederic "Freddy" Cormier earned his A&P license from East Coast Aero Tech in 1982. He went on to work as an aviation technician for TWA and later worked on planes for UPS for over 20 years. He was happy to share that knowledge with the many lifelong friendships made in the world of aviation across the country, from pilots to mechanics to ramp personnel to management. This scholarship, set up by his wife to honor his memory, will hopefully help the next generation to find their passion in aviation.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/30_acone_pilot_training_scholarships_154979521122.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361503, name='Aero Club of New England'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711843200000}'}, {id=154979521123, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480125, path='aaae-scholarship-for-native-americans', name='AAAE Scholarship for Native Americans', 1='{type=string, value=AAAE Scholarship for Native Americans}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=University Aviation Association}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, you must first request an application from your college/university scholarship office. Then, you must submit an online application and the below application materials.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact University Aviation Association at hello@uaa.aero. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=aaae-scholarship-for-native-americans}', 17='{type=string, value=1. Must be enrolled full-time in an aviation/airport management program; 2. Must have reached a junior class level or higher; 3. Cumulative GPA of at least 3.00/4.00 (or equivalent); 4. Selection based on scholastic achievement, financial need and extracurricular/community activities; and 5. Must submit transcripts.}', 19='{type=string, value=http://www.uaa.aero/aaae_scholarship_for_native_am.php}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=
Amount(s) Awarded: (1-10) $1,000 scholarships - number of scholarships vary each year.

Scholarship Criteria:
  1. Must be enrolled full-time in an aviation/airport management program;
  2. Must have reached a junior class level or higher;
  3. Cumulative GPA of at least 3.00/4.00 (or equivalent);
  4. Selection based on scholastic achievement, financial need and extracurricular/community activities; and
  5. Must submit transcripts.
Special Notes:

Graduate students can apply. Each accredited college/university may submit one student’s application only.

Only colleges/universities in the US can participate. No individual, separate applications are allowed.

Please pick up applications at your college/university scholarship office.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/31_aaae_scholarship_for_native_americans_154979521123.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682952, name='Scholarships for Minority Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361620, name='University Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711843200000}'}, {id=154979521118, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480123, path='pat-napolitano-memorial-scholarship-for-aspiring-technicians', name='Pat Napolitano Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Technicians', 1='{type=string, value=Pat Napolitano Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Technicians}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=pat-napolitano-memorial-scholarship-for-aspiring-technicians}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/EducationalFoundation/scholarships.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Pat Napolitano, Fleet Support Representative and Staggerwing Pilot for Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics was a respected employee and member of the aviation community. With more than 30 years of experience and over 4,500 hours of flight time, his passion for aircraft maintenance and flying was apparent to anyone who had the opportunity to meet him.

Through this scholarship, Pat’s legacy will inspire a new generation of aviators.

Available to all graduating seniors or current college students pursuing their Aviation Technician Certification.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/26_pat_napolitano_memorial_scholarship_for_aspiring_technicians_154979521118.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521119, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480123, path='bill-barnes-memorial-scholarship', name='Bill Barnes Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Bill Barnes Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=bill-barnes-memorial-scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/EducationalFoundation/Scholarship_Application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/27_bill_barnes_memorial_scholarship_154979521119.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521124, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480126, path='chuck-peacock-memorial-scholarship', name='Chuck Peacock Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=AAAE Scholarship for Native Americans}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=chuck-peacock-memorial-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=This award is given by Wanda Peacock in memory of her late husband, Chuck Peacock. As the founder of the Aircraft Electronics Association, Peacock credited his aviation and business management skills as the cornerstones for his success in the industry.}', 17='{type=string, value=This scholarship is offered to recognize the importance of management skills and is available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an aviation management program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/customerrors/custom404.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Given by Wanda Peacock in memory of her late husband, Chuck Peacock. As the founder of the Aircraft Electronics Association, Peacock credited his aviation and business management skills as the cornerstones for his success in the industry. This scholarship is offered to recognize the importance of management skills and is available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an aviation management program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/32_chuck_peacock_memorial_scholarship_154979521124.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521125, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480126, path='dutch-and-ginger-arver-scholarship', name='Dutch and Ginger Arver Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Dutch and Ginger Arver Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=dutch-and-ginger-arver-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=This scholarship is available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/customerrors/custom404.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/33_dutch_and_ginger_arver_scholarship_154979521125.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521126, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480127, path='garminäìjerry-smith-memorial-scholarship', name='Garmin‚ÄìJerry Smith Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Garmin‚ÄìJerry Smith Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=garmin-jerry-smith-memorial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school, college or vocational/technical school student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/34_garmin%C3%A4%C3%ACjerry_smith_memorial_scholarship_154979521126.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521127, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480127, path='gogo-business-aviation-scholarship', name='Gogo Business Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Gogo Business Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=gogo-business-aviation-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited college or university in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program. The educational institution where the student attends must be located in Canada.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/35_gogo_business_aviation_scholarship_154979521127.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521128, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480128, path='field-aviation-co-inc-scholarship', name='Field Aviation Co. Inc. Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Field Aviation Co. Inc. Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=field-aviation-co-inc-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited college/university in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aea.net/EducationalFoundation/Scholarship_Application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/36_field_aviation_co_inc_scholarship_154979521128.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521129, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480128, path='garmin-scholarship', name='Garmin Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Garmin Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=garmin-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school, college or vocational/technical school student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/37_garmin_scholarship_154979521129.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521130, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480129, path='johnny-davis-memorial-scholarship', name='Johnny Davis Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Johnny Davis Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=johnny-davis-memorial-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=This scholarship is named in memory of Johnny Davis, president of Dallas Avionics, Dallas, Texas, who supported general aviation for more than 30 years and served as an AEA Associate board member.}', 17='{type=string, value=This scholarship is available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aea.net/EducationalFoundation/Scholarship_Application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Named in memory of Johnny Davis, president of Dallas Avionics in Dallas, Texas, who supported the general aviation industry for more than 30 years and served as an AEA board member. This scholarship is available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/38_johnny_davis_memorial_scholarship_154979521130.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521131, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480129, path='kent-mcintyre-memorial-scholarship', name='Kent McIntyre Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Kent McIntyre Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=kent-mcintyre-memorial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Named in memory of Kent McIntyre, owner and president of Bevan Aviation in Wichita, Kansas, who was a longtime AEA member. Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/39_kent_mcintyre_memorial_scholarship_154979521131.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521132, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480130, path='kevin-miesbach-memorial-scholarship', name='Kevin Miesbach Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Kevin Miesbach Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=kevin-miesbach-memorial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

After graduating from Southeast Community College with a degree in electronics engineering technology, Kevin Miesbach began his 40-year career in aviation as an avionics installation technician with Lincoln Avionics in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Duncan Aviation purchased Lincoln Avionics shortly thereafter, and Kevin transitioned to Duncan as an avionics line and bench technician specializing in aircraft troubleshooting and bench repair of navigation and communications equipment.

Between 1985 and 2006, Kevin held positions at Duncan Aviation of avionics/instruments team leader, shop supervisor, assistant manager and manager. In 2016, Kevin was promoted to business development manager for component repairs.

Kevin had a strong technical skill set, was always willing to help, and he had an innate ability to communicate and build relationships with anyone he met. Everyone who knew Kevin always said he had a great laugh, sense of humor, and was always genuine and honest.

Personal and technical improvement was important to Kevin, and he logged over 500 training events during his career. Kevin understood the value of ongoing training and was steadfast in promoting AEA training opportunities to students, his team members and industry partners. Kevin led the development of Duncan Aviation-provided training at AEA regional and national events, and he participated on many industry and college boards. He received the AEA Member of the Year Award in 2020, and his knowledge and feedback were instrumental in the development of curriculum to properly prepare students for a career as an avionics technician.

The Kevin Miesbach Memorial Scholarship celebrates Kevin’s contribution to the avionics technician field and will continue to share his passion for the value that a career as an avionics technician has to offer.

This scholarship is available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/40_kevin_miesbach_memorial_scholarship_154979521132.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521133, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480130, path='lee-tarbox-memorial-scholarship', name='Lee Tarbox Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Lee Tarbox Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=lee-tarbox-memorial-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=Given by Pacific Southwest Instruments}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aea.net/EducationalFoundation/Scholarship_Application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Given by Pacific Southwest Instruments, this scholarship is available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/41_lee_tarbox_memorial_scholarship_154979521133.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521134, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480131, path='marshall-temple-memorial-scholarship', name='Marshall Temple Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Marshall Temple Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=marshall-temple-memorial-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=Named in memory of Marshall E. Temple, founder of Temple Electronics in Houston, Texas. Temple, a U.S. Navy veteran, started his business in 1973, which has been an AEA member ever since.}', 17='{type=string, value=This scholarship is available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or maintenance repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarships.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Named in memory of Marshall E. Temple, founder of Temple Electronics in Houston, Texas. Temple, a U.S. Navy veteran, started his business in 1973, which has been an AEA member ever since. This scholarship is available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/42_marshall_temple_memorial_scholarship_154979521134.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521135, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480132, path='mid-continent-instruments-and-avionics-scholarship', name='Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=mid-continent-instruments-and-avionics-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aea.net/EducationalFoundation/Scholarship_Application.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/43_midcontinent_instruments_and_avionics_scholarship_154979521135.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521136, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480132, path='stone-foundation-scholarship', name='Stone Foundation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Stone Foundation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=stone-foundation-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program.}', 18='{type=string, value=http://www.aea.net/EducationalFoundation/pdf/AEA_ATAM_Scholarship_Application_2017.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/44_stone_foundation_scholarship_154979521136.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521137, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480132, path='universal-avionics-scholarship', name='Universal Avionics Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Universal Avionics Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors & College Students,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=2, name='300-word essay', order=1, label='300-word essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=universal-avionics-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarship_application.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics program or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/45_universal_avionics_scholarship_154979521137.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521138, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480133, path='david-arver-memorial-scholarship', name='David Arver Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=David Arver Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Apr-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association Educational Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association Educational Foundation at info@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=david-arver-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/customerrors/custom404.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarships.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Given by Dutch and Ginger Arver in memory of their son, David. Dutch Arver was a supporter of the AEA for years and served on the board of directors until his retirement. The recipient of this scholarship shall be a high school senior or college student who plans to attend or is attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft maintenance program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/46_david_arver_memorial_scholarship_154979521138.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361519, name='Experimental Aircraft Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521189, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480157, path='aviation-exploring-scholarship', name='Aviation Exploring Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Aviation Exploring Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$10,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Apr}', 7='{type=string, value=National Aviation Exploring Committee}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application and the below application materials. Applicants under the age of 18 must also obtain a parent or guardian signature on their application.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Aviation Exploring Committee at exploring@lflmail.org. Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: No, the Aviation Exploring Scholarship is not renewable. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is open to U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and DACA recipients. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=To be considered for the scholarship, applicants must be active and registered in an Aviation Explorer post. Applicants must also meet the below eligibility requirements.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School & College Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, DACA, Other,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=7, name='Proof of enrollment', order=6, label='Proof of enrollment'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=aviation-exploring-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Currently registered and active in a Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, Health, Aviation, or Law & Government Exploring Post • Parent or guardian approval if under 18 years of age}', 18='{type=string, value=http://1ef2c1ael6q32f64freokqsm.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Motorola-Aug2016-fillable-C.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.exploring.org/scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=28-Mar-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

he National Aviation Exploring Committee awards scholarships annually ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 to encourage Aviation Explorers to enter and complete an aviation curriculum. National Aviation Committee Members know that aviation offers a variety of exciting, well-paying careers, and that qualified and motivated Aviation Explorers should be given encouragement and assistance in choosing a career in aviation. Through the years, the National Aviation Exploring Committee has been a supporter of projects designed to promote aviation to young people. If scholarship funds are used for training in the avionics, pilot, maintenance, or management categories,  the flight training  must  be provided  by  the FAA Approved Part 141 and Part 61 school or through an accredited college or university in pursuit of a degree leading to an aviation profession. 

Applicant Eligibility 

  1. Applicant must be currently registered and active in an Aviation Explorer post.
  2. Applicant must obtain parent or guardian signature on the application if under 18 years of age.
  3. Applicant must provide a minimum of three recommendation letters from an aviation post advisor, aviation professional, teacher, employer, or community leaders. Recommendation letters should not come from family members.
  4. All scholarship funds must be used within 24 months of receiving the scholarship award.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/97_willard_g_plentl_sr_aviation_scholarship_program_154979521190.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361601, name='National Aviation Exploring Committee'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1711929600000}'}, {id=154979521139, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480133, path='kansas-career-technical-workforce-grant', name='Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant', 1='{type=string, value=Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-May-24}', 7='{type=string, value=The Kansas Board of Regents}', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to submitting the application materials below, interested students must submit the State of Kansas Student Aid Application online and have an official at their higher educational institution complete the Career Technical Workforce Grant Verification Form.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The Kansas Board of Regents at regents@ksbor.org. Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: Yes, the Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant is renewable.}', 14='{type=string, value=kansas-career-technical-workforce-grant}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.kansasregents.org/scholarships_and_grants}', 20='{type=string, value=2-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The purpose of this grant program is to encourage individuals to further their education and provide the benefit of their employment to the State of Kansas to assist in the development of a strong state workforce in high    demand, critical industry employment fields. Grants are awarded to students who are Kansas residents and:

  1. graduated from a Kansas high school accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education; or
  2. obtained a Kansas State High School Diploma issued upon successful completion of the GED® Test; or
  3. graduated from a Kansas home school program or a Kansas non-accredited private secondary school as defined and authorized pursuant to K.S.A. 72-53, 100 et.seq; and
  4. are enrolled in or accepted for admission to an eligible career technical education program*. 
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/47_kansas_career_technical_workforce_grant_154979521139.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361612, name='The Kansas Board of Regents'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521173, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480150, path='marian-r-delano-memorial-scholarship', name='Marian R. DeLano Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Marian R. DeLano Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=San Diego Ninety-Nines}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact San Diego Ninety-Nines at womenpilots@gmail.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=marian-r-delano-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=‚Ä¢ Must be a Southwest Section Ninety-Nine ‚Ä¢ Must have a current medical ‚Ä¢ Must have a private pilot certificate}', 18='{type=string, value=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XD2XJHLW75sh4VogecnihKpU59P0sib3/view}', 19='{type=string, value=http://www.sd99s.org/scholarships.html}', 20='{type=string, value=7-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=A $1,500 award to help fund flight training.  Applicant must (1) be a female, (2) have soloed AND have written test passed for the private pilot (3) be a member of any 99s chapter in the Ninety-Nines ‘Southwest Section’ (CA, AZ, NV, UT, HI).  The scholarship is good for one rating or certificate only. Air Transport Rating not eligible. There is a 90-day limit to apply funds towards training.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/81_marian_r_delano_memorial_scholarship_154979521173.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361608, name='San Diego Ninety-Nines'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521177, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480151, path='flightsafetycae-professional-pilot-training-awards', name='FlightSafety/CAE Professional Pilot Training Awards', 1='{type=string, value=FlightSafety/CAE Professional Pilot Training Awards}', 4='{type=string, value=22,200}', 5='{type=string, value=Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Chicago Area Business Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Chicago Area Business Aviation Association at cabaascholarships@gmail.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=flightsafety-cae-professional-pilot-training-awards}', 19='{type=string, value=https://cabaa.com/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=3-May-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

CABAA, together with independent vendors FlightSafety and CAE, will award two applicants with advanced training toward a career in business aviation. This year, both awards will be a Citation series SIC course. The retail value of each award is approximately $22,200 per scholarship. This award cannot be upgraded to a PIC type rating.

CABAA will provide partial reimbursement to assist with travel expenses. This will not cover all associated travel costs, and recipients will be responsible for remaining expenses.

Preference given to Chicagoland area residents/students.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/84_flightsafetycae_professional_pilot_training_awards_154979521177.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361514, name='Chicago Area Business Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521178, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480151, path='adma-scholarship', name='ADMA Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=ADMA Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association International}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association International at info@adma.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=adma-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.adma.org/scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=13-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association (ADMA) Scholarship is a program that provides assistance to young aviation students who want to pursue careers in the aviation industry. The application period for the ADMA Scholarship runs from January to April each year. To be eligible for the ADMA Scholarship, applicants must be students who have completed two consecutive semesters in a four-year program at an accredited post-secondary institution.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/85_adma_scholarship_154979521178.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361512, name='Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association International'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521179, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480152, path='nasa-maryland-space-grant-consortium-scholarships', name='NASA Maryland Space Grant Consortium Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=NASA Maryland Space Grant Consortium Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA/Maryland Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: Yes, the NASA Maryland Space Grant Consortium Scholarships is renewable. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nasa-maryland-space-grant-consortium-scholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://md.spacegrant.org/mdsgc-programs/scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=24-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

One of MDSGC’s goals is to support students who are attending or planning to attend an affiliate institution, who need financial support, and who wish to pursue studies in math, science, engineering, or technology, that are related to aerospace or may lead to a NASA-relevant career.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled as full-time students at a MDSGC affiliate, including:

  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Morgan State University
  • Towson University
  • University of Maryland College Park
  • University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • University of Maryland Eastern Shore
  • Capitol Technology University
  • Hagerstown Community College.

Award amounts vary and may be used for the following educational expenses: tuition, books, fees and room and board.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/86_nasa_maryland_space_grant_consortium_scholarships_154979521179.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361528, name='NASA/Maryland Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521180, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480152, path='air-traffic-control-association-scholarship', name='Air Traffic Control Association Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 - $15.000}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Air Traffic Control Association Scholarship winner will be announced: July 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Air Traffic Control Association Inc. at clarence.butcher@atca.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=air-traffic-control-association-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.atca.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=7-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The ATCA Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to outstanding aviation students and children of air traffic controllers. ATCA's wonderful candidates, exceptional winners, and generous scholarship partners and donors are the ones who make it happen.  The 2024 Scholarship will open for application submissions in March 2024, and will close on May 1, 2024. ATCA awards $75,000 worth of scholarships annually, and each scholarship recipient receives between $5,000 - $15,000. 

Gabriel A. Hartl Scholarship - Students enrolled half- to full-time in a two- to four-year air traffic control program at an institution approved and/or licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as directly supporting the FAA's college and training initiative.

Lawrence C. Fortier Memorial Scholarship - Students enrolled half- to full-time in a program leading to a bachelor's degree or higher in an aviation-related course of study.

Full-Time Employee Student Scholarship - Full-time employees enrolled in advanced study programs to improve their skills in air traffic control or an aviation discipline.

The Buckingham Memorial Scholarships - Awarded to children of Air Traffic Controller Specialists who are US Citizens and enrolled half- to full-time in a program leading to a bachelor’s degree or higher.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/87_air_traffic_control_association_scholarship_154979521180.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361504, name='Air Traffic Control Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521181, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480153, path='papa-scholarship-safety-foundation-program', name='PAPA Scholarship & Safety Foundation Program', 1='{type=string, value=PAPA Scholarship & Safety Foundation Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 - $2,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Palwaukee Airport Pilots Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The PAPA Scholarship & Safety Foundation Program winner will be announced: June 1, 2023. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=papa-scholarship-safety-foundation-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://pwkpilots.org/scholarship-application-requirements/}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The CEPA PAPA Scholarship & Safety Foundation Program is a scholarship program for aspiring pilots. The program offers one $2,000 scholarship and two $1,000 scholarships. 
The program is offered by the Palwaukee Airport Pilots Association. Applicants must be full-time students who are Illinois residents and attending or planning to attend an accredited school in Illinois.

A course of study in a recognized professional aviation program is defined as a flight training program, a professional aviation technician program, such as A&P or avionics technician, an aeronautical engineering program, an aviation business management program, or a program to become a professional in any field of aviation. Please note that there is a separate scholarship award for people who are pursuing a career path in aviation and are qualified for the Flight Training Scholarship for those training in a non-academic program.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/88_papa_scholarship__safety_foundation_program_154979521181.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361605, name='Palwaukee Airport Pilots Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521182, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480153, path='childrenäôs-education-scholarship', name='Children‚Äôs Education Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Children‚Äôs Education Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Full Ride}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=The Folded Flag Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The Folded Flag Foundation at scholarships@foldedflagfoundation.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Students,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace,Other Category,Relative of Current or Former Military Member}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=7, name='Proof of enrollment', order=6, label='Proof of enrollment'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=children-s-education-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.foldedflagfoundation.org/how-to-apply/}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=For eligible children in grades K-12, The Folded Flag Foundation provides scholarships and educational grants to cover private school tuition and fees, tutoring, after-school programs, summer camps and other related educational expenses.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/89_childrens_education_scholarship_154979521182.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361611, name='The Folded Flag Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521183, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480154, path='buckingham-memorial-scholarship', name='Buckingham Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Buckingham Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Buckingham Memorial Scholarship winner will be announced: July 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Air Traffic Control Association Inc. at clarence.butcher@atca.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=buckingham-memorial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.atca.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=7-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The ATCA Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to outstanding aviation students and children of air traffic controllers. ATCA's wonderful candidates, exceptional winners, and generous scholarship partners and donors are the ones who make it happen.  The 2024 Scholarship will open for application submissions in March 2024, and will close on May 1, 2024. ATCA awards $75,000 worth of scholarships annually, and each scholarship recipient receives between $5,000 - $15,000. 

The Buckingham Memorial Scholarships are awarded to children of Air Traffic Controller Specialists who are US Citizens and enrolled half- to full-time in a program leading to a bachelor’s degree or higher.


  • Students enrolled half to full time in a two to four-year air traffic control program at an institution approved and/or licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as directly supporting the FAA’s college and training initiative.
  • Accepted or enrolled in an accredited college or university and planning to continue the following year. Attendance is equal to at least half-time (6 semester hours or the equivalent).
  • Must have a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours still to be completed before graduation.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/90_buckingham_memorial_scholarship_154979521183.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987637, name='High School Freshman'}, {id=156163987638, name='High School Sophomore'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361504, name='Air Traffic Control Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521184, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480154, path='gabriel-a-hartl-scholarship', name='Gabriel A. Hartl Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Gabriel A. Hartl Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Gabriel A. Hartl Scholarship winner will be announced: July 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Air Traffic Control Association Inc. at info@atca.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=gabriel-a-hartl-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.atca.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The ATCA Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to outstanding aviation students and children of air traffic controllers. ATCA's wonderful candidates, exceptional winners, and generous scholarship partners and donors are the ones who make it happen.  The 2024 Scholarship will open for application submissions in March 2024, and will close on May 1, 2024. ATCA awards $75,000 worth of scholarships annually, and each scholarship recipient receives between $5,000 - $15,000. 

Gabriel A. Hartl Scholarship - Students enrolled half- to full-time in a two- to four-year air traffic control program at an institution approved and/or licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as directly supporting the FAA's college and training initiative.


  • Students enrolled half to full time in a two to four-year air traffic control program at an institution approved and/or licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as directly supporting the FAA’s college and training initiative.
  • Accepted or enrolled in an accredited college or university and planning to continue the following year. Attendance is equal to at least half-time (6 semester hours or the equivalent).
  • Must have a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours still to be completed before graduation.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/91_gabriel_a_hartl_scholarship_154979521184.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361504, name='Air Traffic Control Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521185, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480155, path='lawrence-c-fortier-memorial-scholarship', name='Lawrence C. Fortier Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Lawrence C. Fortier Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Lawrence C. Fortier Memorial Scholarship winner will be announced: July 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Air Traffic Control Association Inc. at info@atca.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=lawrence-c-fortier-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Students enrolled half- to full-time in a program leading to a bachelor's degree or higher in an aviation-related course of study. 1. Applicant must be accepted or enrolled in an accredited college or university and planning to continue the following year. 2. Coursework leads to a bachelor's degree or advanced degree (excluding Hartl scholarship). 3. Attendance is equal to at least half-time (6 semester hours or the equivalent). 4. Must have a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours still to be completed before graduation. 5. All candidates must answer questions I and II under Leadership section. 6. Candidates must submit an essay as per instructions under Leadership III. 7. Two references to provide letters of recommendation in support of the application for the ATCA Scholarship Program. You may select anyone from your community who you believe can best address your strength of personal character and your commitment to volunteer service. 8. Official transcripts of all college coursework. If you are a high school student or have completed less than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours, also send high school transcript(s). 9. Application MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MAY 1, Transcripts and letters of recommendation by June 1.}', 18='{type=string, value=http://www.atca.org/scholorship-reg-form.aspx}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.atca.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The ATCA Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to outstanding aviation students and children of air traffic controllers. ATCA's wonderful candidates, exceptional winners, and generous scholarship partners and donors are the ones who make it happen.  The 2024 Scholarship will open for application submissions in March 2024, and will close on May 1, 2024. ATCA awards $75,000 worth of scholarships annually, and each scholarship recipient receives between $5,000 - $15,000. 

Lawrence C. Fortier Memorial Scholarship - Students enrolled half- to full-time in a program leading to a bachelor's degree or higher in an aviation-related course of study.


  • Students enrolled half to full time in a two to four-year air traffic control program at an institution approved and/or licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as directly supporting the FAA’s college and training initiative.
  • Accepted or enrolled in an accredited college or university and planning to continue the following year. Attendance is equal to at least half-time (6 semester hours or the equivalent).
  • Must have a minimum of 30 semester or 45 quarter hours still to be completed before graduation.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/92_lawrence_c_fortier_memorial_scholarship_154979521185.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361504, name='Air Traffic Control Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521186, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480155, path='aviation-management-scholarship', name='Aviation Management Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Aviation Management Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$900-$2,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Mar}', 7='{type=string, value=American Association of Airport Executives}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact American Association of Airport Executives at todd.hauptli@aaae.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=aviation-management-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.aaae.org/aaaemember2020/aaaemember2020/about-/aaae_foundation.aspx#scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=30-Mar-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

AAAE Scholarship for Accredited Airport Executives is sponsored by the American Association of Airport Executives Foundation (AAAE)

Amount(s) Awarded: $900 - $2,000

Scholarship Criteria:

  1. Students are eligible to apply if they, their spouse, or one of their parents is an active A.A.E. Spouses and children of, as well as A.A.E.’s who are retired on disability pensions are also eligible, as are spouses and children of deceased A.A.E.’s who were in good standing at the time of disability or death.
  2. Must be enrolled or plan on enrolling full or part-time in a U.S. accredited college or university in a program of undergraduate or graduate study;
  3. Selection based on academic records, participation in school and community activities, work experience, a personal statement, and a recommendation from a school staff member.
  4. Financial need is considered only in determining the size of the award once recipients are chosen.
Special Notes:

Multiple applications are accepted from the same family. A separate application is required for each student. The original award amount is predicated on the school on the original application. Subsequent changes in school may result in a reduced award amount. Award balances greater than $500 remaining in a students account after the tuition is paid should be returned to the AAAE Foundation. Award balances that are $500 or less may remain in the student’s account and used for educational expenses excluding room and board. The awards are not automatically renewable.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/93_aviation_management_scholarship_154979521186.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361508, name='American Association of Airport Executives'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521187, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480155, path='uaa-janice-k-barden-aviation-scholarship', name='UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Mar}', 7='{type=string, value=National Business Aviation Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Business Aviation Association Inc. at scholarships@nbaa.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=uaa-janice-k-barden-aviation-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=This scholarship is named for Janice Barden, who has been active in the aviation community for decades and has served as chair of the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition Local Committee more than any other person in NBAA history.}', 17='{type=string, value=Awards will be made to U.S. citizens without regard to sex, race, religion, or national origin. Application must be a full-time undergraduate enrolled in aviation-related curricula at an NBAA/UAA member school with a rising sophomore or higher standing. Awards are announced in spring. Scholarship recipients must use the funds by Dec. 31 of the year awarded or risk forfeit of the award. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. A completed application package, which includes application form, one essay, one transcript, one resume and two letters of recommendation, must be received by NBAA Charities no later than November 30, to be considered for the scholarship For all NBAA scholarships, applicants are limited to receiving one award per person, per year.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://nbaa.fluidreview.com/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://nbaa.org/professional-development/scholarships/barden-aviation-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=Through the UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship, NBAA Charities annually awards a minimum of $1,000 to up to five undergraduates studying aviation-related curricula at NBAA and University Aviation Association (UAA) member institutions.

This scholarship is named for the late Janice K. Barden, who was active in the aviation community for decades and who served as chair of the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition Local Committee eight times, more than any other person in NBAA history.

Scholarships will be awarded for one academic year, and checks will be made payable to the school. Awards will be made to U.S. citizens or permanent residents without regard to sex, race, religion or national origin. Scholarship recipients must use the funds by the end of the academic year or risk forfeit of the award.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/94_uaa_janice_k_barden_aviation_scholarship_154979521187.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361602, name='National Business Aviation Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521188, createdAt=1706651021036, updatedAt=1711424480156, path='full-time-employee-student-scholarship', name='Full-Time Employee Student Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Full-Time Employee Student Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Air Traffic Control Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Full-Time Employee Student Scholarship winner will be announced: July 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Air Traffic Control Association Inc. at info@atca.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=full-time-employee-student-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.atca.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The ATCA Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to outstanding aviation students and children of air traffic controllers. ATCA's wonderful candidates, exceptional winners, and generous scholarship partners and donors are the ones who make it happen. With the continued support of the aviation community for this industry-sustaining program, we hope to award at least as much in the future. But we need your support to do it.

Full-time employees enrolled in advanced study programs to improve their skills in air traffic control or an aviation discipline.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/96_aviation_exploring_scholarship_154979521189.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361504, name='Air Traffic Control Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1714521600000}'}, {id=154979521093, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480110, path='ken-johnson-memorial-scholarship', name='Ken Johnson Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Ken Johnson Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$8,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-May}', 7='{type=string, value=Chicago Area Business Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='500-word essay', order=2, label='500-word essay'}, {id=5, name='Statement of Intent', order=4, label='Statement of Intent'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=ken-johnson-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Must be majoring in an aviation related field and have accepted or willaccept enrollment at a four-year university or a two-year college• Must demonstrate his/her commitment to aviation and desire to work inthe aviation field• Must have 3.0 GPA}', 18='{type=string, value=https://fs22.formsite.com/formresults/jztso884co/index.html}', 19='{type=string, value=https://cabaa.com/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=3-May-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Ken Johnson Memorial Scholarship is designated for a high school student graduating in 2023 who aspires to pursue a degree in the field of aviation. This scholarship seeks candidates who are committed to a major in aviation and have been accepted or plan to enroll in either a four-year university or a two-year college. Candidates must show a strong dedication to the field of aviation and express a clear intention to build a career within it. A minimum of three letters of recommendation must be submitted with the application. It is highly recommended that at least one of these letters comes from a professional actively engaged in business aviation, excluding the applicant's professors.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/1_ken_johnson_memorial_scholarship_154979521093.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361514, name='Chicago Area Business Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1716508800000}'}, {id=154979521140, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480134, path='cabaa-maintenance-committee-financial-award', name='CABAA Maintenance Committee Financial Award', 1='{type=string, value=CABAA Maintenance Committee Financial Award}', 4='{type=string, value=$8,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-May-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Chicago Area Business Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The CABAA Maintenance Committee Financial Award winner will be announced: August 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Chicago Area Business Aviation Association at https://login.journeycare.app/v2/preview/lvPMWzxxGSctPxJYVpXH. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=cabaa-maintenance-committee-financial-award}', 19='{type=string, value=https://cabaa.com/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

One $8,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student seeking a degree in aviation maintenance. This scholarship is open to both high school seniors graduating in 2024 and current college-level students. Scholarship funds will be made out to both the student and their university, to be used to pay tuition or fees for aviation specific programs.

Preference is given to Chicagoland area residents/students.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/48_cabaa_maintenance_committee_financial_award_154979521140.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361514, name='Chicago Area Business Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1716595200000}'}, {id=154979521141, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480134, path='cabaa-flightsafetycae-professional-maintenance-training-awards', name='CABAA FlightSafety/CAE Professional Maintenance Training Awards', 1='{type=string, value=CABAA FlightSafety/CAE Professional Maintenance Training Awards}', 4='{type=string, value=Advanced Aviation Training}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-May-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Chicago Area Business Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for both full and part-time enrollment statuses. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The CABAA FlightSafety/CAE Professional Maintenance Training Awards winner will be announced: August 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Chicago Area Business Aviation Association at https://cabaa.com/contact?nocache=ei9r60&start=4. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=cabaa-flightsafety-cae-professional-maintenance-training-awards}', 19='{type=string, value=https://cabaa.com/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

CABAA, together with independent vendors FlightSafety and CAE, will award two applicants with advanced training toward a career in business aviation. One recipient will receive the FlightSafety Maintenance Initial course (Citation or similar). One recipient will receive the CAE Maintenance Initial Course (Citation or similar). This course is designed to meet the training requirements of aviation maintenance professionals maintaining each respective aircraft.

CABAA will provide partial reimbursement to assist with travel expenses. This will not cover all associated travel costs, and recipients will be responsible for remaining expenses. Preference given to Chicagoland area residents/students.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/49_cabaa_flightsafetycae_professional_maintenance_training_awards_154979521141.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361514, name='Chicago Area Business Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1716595200000}'}, {id=154979521169, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480148, path='dottie-sanders-memorial-flight-scholarship', name='Dottie Sanders Memorial Flight Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Dottie Sanders Memorial Flight Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jun}', 7='{type=string, value=San Diego Ninety-Nines}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact San Diego Ninety-Nines at womenpilots@gmail.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=dottie-sanders-memorial-flight-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be female • Must reside in San Diego, Riverside, Orange or Imperial counties OR be a member of any chapter of the Southwest Section of the Ninety-Nines • PPL applicants must have passed the written and soloed if for an advanced rating/certificate, applicant must have Private certificate.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XD2XJHLW75sh4VogecnihKpU59P0sib3/view}', 19='{type=string, value=http://www.sd99s.org/scholarships.html}', 20='{type=string, value=7-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

A $1,000 award to help fund flight training.

Applicant must

  1. be a female,
  2. reside in San Diego, Riverside, Orange or Imperial counties OR  be a member of any chapter of the Southwest Section of the Ninety-Nines,
  3. PPL applicants must have passed the written and soloed
  4. If for an advanced rating/certificate, applicant must have Private certificate. Funds may be used to help fund Private Pilot training OR if a certified pilot applicant, may be used to fund training for the Instrument, Commercial, Multi Engine, or any Flight Instructor certificates. There is a 90 day limit to apply funds towards training.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/77_dottie_sanders_memorial_flight_scholarship_154979521169.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}, {id=157270708370, name='San Diego'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361608, name='San Diego Ninety-Nines'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1717200000000}'}, {id=154979521174, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480150, path='paul-and-patricia-whelan-scholarship', name='Paul and Patricia Whelan Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Paul and Patricia Whelan Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors & Grad Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jun}', 7='{type=string, value=University Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact University Aviation Association at hello@uaa.aero. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens.}', 14='{type=string, value=paul-and-patricia-whelan-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.uaa.aero/uaa_scholarships.php}', 20='{type=string, value=3-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=In the memory of an exemplary aviation educator, the Paul A. Whelan Scholarship was initiated by his family under the auspices of the University Aviation Association (UAA). The Paul A. Whelan Scholarship Fund supports men and women pursuing a future in aviation and/or space-related fields. The scholarship will provide opportunities to emerging aviation professionals to achieve their academic goals and contribute their talents to the aviation industry. Dr. Whelan exemplified leadership in aviation throughout his life. He served 25 years as an Air Force aviator and retired as a colonel after a career that included combat service in Korea and Vietnam for which he received the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star and the Air Medal. In addition to flying, he was a professor of history at the U. S. Air Force Academy, chair of the Air Force Institute of Technology history department and on staff at the Air War College. In his own academic career, Dr. Whelan earned his bachelor's degree from Holy Cross College, his master's from the University of Tennessee, and his doctorate in history from St. Louis University. Upon his Air Force retirement, Dr. Whelan's commitment to give back to the academic community led him to positions as dean of Spring Hill College, president of Lewis University, Vice President of Parks College of St. Louis University, and dean of national transportation at Dowling College. During his academic tenure, he served on the Federal Aviation Administration's Airway Science Curriculum Committee and as first chair of the Council on Aviation Accreditation. Dr. Whelan's lifelong involvement in aviation education earned him recognition from his peers including the National Aeronautic Association Brewer Trophy, the Gold Circle Award and the UAA Wheatley Award. In addition, Dr. Whelan was extensively involved in his giving service to his community and to his church. To continue this legacy, Dr. Whelan's wife Pat, 12 children and their spouses and 38 grandchildren commissioned this scholarship.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/82_paul_and_patricia_whelan_scholarship_154979521174.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361620, name='University Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1717200000000}'}, {id=154979521175, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480151, path='al-and-williamary-viste-scholarship', name='Al and Williamary Viste Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Al and Williamary Viste Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jun}', 7='{type=string, value=101st Airborne Division Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact 101st Airborne Division Association at (931) 431-0199. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=al-and-williamary-viste-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.screamingeaglefoundation.org/scholarship-application-and-donations/}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The objective of the 101st Airborne Division Association and Screaming Eagle Foundation scholarship program is to provide financial assistance to students who have the potential to become assets to our nation.
The major factors to be considered in the evaluation and rating of applicants are eligibility, career objectives, academic record, and insight gained from the letter requesting consideration and letters of recommendation.


  • Applicant’s parents, grandparents, great grandparents, husband or wife is (or if deceased, was) a regular or life member (not an associate member) of the 101st Airborne Division Association.
  • Chappie Hall Scholarship – Applicant must maintain a 3.0 or better.
  • Al & Willamary Viste Scholarship – Applicant must maintain a minimum cumulative 3.75 or better (transcript required). Applicant must be either an upper classman (3rd or 4th year) or graduate student in a medical or science field.
  • Applicant shall not be attending nor accepted as a student to the United States Military Academy, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, or the USCG Academy.


  • Applicant must complete the Screaming Eagle Foundation, “Application for Scholarship” Form and provide all required documentation.
  • If qualified, students may apply for both the Chappie Hall and Al & Willamary Viste scholarships, but will only receive one.
  • Applicants may apply and receive an award each year for a maximum of four years for an undergraduate degree and two years for a graduate degree.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/83_al_and_williamary_viste_scholarship_154979521175.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361502, name='101st Airborne Division Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1717200000000}'}, {id=154979521146, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480137, path='navigate-your-future-scholarship', name='Navigate Your Future Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Navigate Your Future Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=28-Jun-24}', 7='{type=string, value=National Air Transportation Association}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application in addition to the below application materials.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Air Transportation Association at safety1st@nata.aero. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=This scholarship is open to students who meet the below eligibility requirements and have been accepted to an aviation-related program at a college or university.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Senior,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=7, name='Proof of enrollment', order=6, label='Proof of enrollment'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=navigate-your-future-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF), the research and educational arm of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), offers several categories of scholarships.}', 17='{type=string, value=• Be a senior in high school planning a career in the general aviation field. • Be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college or university. • Submit the letter of acceptance from the college or university. • Be able to demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in general aviation.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://nataaero.wufoo.com/forms/k1qeenh31v2nv13/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.nata.aero/scholarships/navigate-your-future-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Navigate Your Future Scholarship is offered to a high school graduate continuing his or her education in the aviation industry. By making scholarships available, NATF's goal is to foster and promote careers in the general aviation industry.  

The Navigate Your Future Scholarship, in the amount of $2,500, is to be used for one year of full-time undergraduate study. One award will be granted each year. 

  • Be a senior in high school planning a career in the general aviation field
  • Be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college or university
  • Submit the letter of acceptance from the college or university
  • Be able to demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in general aviation


}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/54_navigate_your_future_scholarship_154979521146.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361529, name='National Air Transportation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1719532800000}'}, {id=154979521145, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480136, path='us-air-force-in-college-scholarship-program-icsp', name='U.S. Air Force In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP)', 1='{type=string, value=U.S. Air Force In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP)}', 4='{type=string, value=Varies}', 5='{type=string, value=College Underclassmen}', 6='{type=string, value=30-Jun-24}', 7='{type=string, value=U.S. Air Force ROTC}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, students must contact their universities' AFROTC detachment, be evaluated to determine eligibility, and submit the below application materials.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact U.S. Air Force ROTC at https://www.afrotc.com/contact/. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=This scholarship is open to first- and second-year undergraduate students. Applicants must have a qualified Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) physical exam, be willing to serve at least four years on active duty post-graduation, complete military training, and enroll in the Air Force ROTC. Applicants must also meet the below eligibility requirements.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College Underclassmen,Citizenship,US Citizens,Minimum GPA 2.5,Academic Interest Agriculture, Architecture, Computer Science, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Foreign Languages, Physical Sciences, Aviation/Aerospace, Chemistry,Other Category,ROTC}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=u-s-air-force-in-college-scholarship-program-icsp}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.afrotc.com/apply/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/college/types/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=If you’re already in college, you can still experience the benefits of joining Air Force ROTC. In addition to detachment-specific scholarship opportunities, freshman and sophomore students may be eligible for the In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP). The program awards scholarships based on merit during two selection phases (fall and spring semesters). Note: AFROTC scholarships do not cover room and board.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/53_us_air_force_incollege_scholarship_program_icsp_154979521145.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361618, name='U.S. Air Force ROTC'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1719705600000}'}, {id=154979521172, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480149, path='screaming-eagle-surviving-childrenäôs-scholarship', name='Screaming Eagle Surviving Children‚Äôs Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Screaming Eagle Surviving Children‚Äôs Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jun}', 7='{type=string, value=101st Airborne Division Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Screaming Eagle Surviving Children‚Äôs Scholarship winner will be announced: September 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact 101st Airborne Division Association at 101exec@screamingeagle.org or officecoordinator@screamingeagle.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=screaming-eagle-surviving-children-s-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.screamingeaglefoundation.org/screaming-eagle-surviving-childrens-scholarship-2/}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Screaming Eagle Foundation in partnership with the Patriot Foundation offers secondary education and future use scholarship opportunities for surviving dependent children of Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell units who have been killed or severely wounded since September 11, 2001 in the Global War on Terror. 

  • Scholarships are to be used for costs of tuition, books or fees at secondary colleges, universities or vocational/technical schools
  • Each scholarship will be awarded at the current value ($2500) of this year’s secondary school scholarship awards.
  • Applicants will be notified regarding award decisions before September 1st each year. Those who did not receive a scholarship will receive an email of the results.  Recipients will receive a letter in addition to an email stating their selection and providing instructions to complete the process
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/80_screaming_eagle_surviving_childrens_scholarship_154979521172.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361502, name='101st Airborne Division Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1719792000000}'}, {id=154979521170, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480148, path='universities-space-research-association-usra-distinguished-undergraduate-awards', name='Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Distinguished Undergraduate Awards', 1='{type=string, value=Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Distinguished Undergraduate Awards}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Aug}', 7='{type=string, value=Universities Space Research Association (USRA)}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application in addition to the below application materials.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Universities Space Research Association (USRA) at scholarship@usra.edu . Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: No, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Distinguished Undergraduate Awards is not renewable. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=This scholarship is open to students pursuing a degree in science or engineering who meet the below eligibility requirements. Bear in mind that non-U.S. Citizens/residents are also eligible to apply if they attend a USRA Member University outside the United States.}', 14='{type=string, value=universities-space-research-association-usra-distinguished-undergraduate-awards}', 17='{type=string, value=• Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students attending a 4-year accredited college or university in the United States at the time the award is received. • Applicants must be majoring in a field of science or engineering, including life sciences or science education. • Applicants must be within two years of a B.S. or B.A. in a space science related field of science or engineering (including life science and science education) by the time the award is received. • Applicants must have a Cumulative GPA of 3.50 or greater. • Applicants must be US citizens or lawful Permanent Residents. • Non-US students attending USRA Member Universities located outside the United States are also eligible to apply. Applicants must be citizens of the country in which the university is based.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.hou.usra.edu/usra_scholarships/application/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.usra.edu/educational-activities-and-opportunities/usra-distinguished-undergraduate-awards}', 20='{type=string, value=15-Aug-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The USRA Distinguished Undergraduate Awards provide college scholarship awards to students who have shown a career interest in science or engineering with an emphasis on space research or space science education, and aeronautics-related sciences.

USRA presents up to four scholarship awards to undergraduate students each fall as part of its Distinguished Undergraduate Award program.

Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students attending a four-year accredited college or university that offers courses leading to a degree in science or engineering. Applicants must be within two (2) years of earning a B.S. or a B.A. in a field of science and engineering, including life science and science education by the time the award is received. Scholarship awards are made in the fall, with applications accepted during the summer.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/78_universities_space_research_association_usra_distinguished_undergraduate_awards_154979521170.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361619, name='Universities Space Research Association (USRA)'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1722470400000}'}, {id=154979521171, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480149, path='alaskan-aviation-safety-foundation-memorial-scholarship', name='Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jul}', 7='{type=string, value=Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation at aasfonline@gmail.com.}', 14='{type=string, value=alaskan-aviation-safety-foundation-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be enrolled in an aviation-related program in an accredited college, university, trade school or approved training center • Must intend to make aviation their career • Must have spent at least two of the past three years in continuous official residency in Alaska • Must have completed at least two semesters, or 30% of the work towards his/her professional goal}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aasfonline.org/wp-content/uploads/AASF_2020_scholarship_application_fillable.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.aasfonline.org/scholarship2/}', 20='{type=string, value=6-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

AASF Memorial Scholarships The Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation provides scholarships to individuals who want to develop their aviation careers. There are three scholarships available each year for up to $2,000 each:

  1. The Tom Wardleigh Memorial Scholarship
  2. The Virginia Hyatt Memorial Scholarship
  3. The Ellen Paneok Memorial Scholarship

These annual AASF Scholarships are established with funds received from families.

The Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation (AAFS) Memorial Scholarship is available to students who are enrolled in an aviation-related program. The scholarship is open to two-year colleges and trade/technical schools. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must participate in an aviation-related program with a qualified instructor or at an accredited college or university. The AAFS is a non-profit membership organization that aims to improve aviation safety in Alaska through education, research, and advocacy.


}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/79_alaskan_aviation_safety_foundation_memorial_scholarship_154979521171.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361507, name='Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1722470400000}'}, {id=154979521167, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480147, path='fulbright-distinguished-chair-in-advanced-defense-science-and-technology-dst', name='Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Advanced (Defense) Science and Technology (DST)', 1='{type=string, value=Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Advanced (Defense) Science and Technology (DST)}', 4='{type=string, value=$6,575 }', 5='{type=string, value=Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Sep}', 7='{type=string, value=Council for International Exchange of Scholars}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Council for International Exchange of Scholars at malcolm.jenkins2@dsto.defence.gov.au. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=fulbright-distinguished-chair-in-advanced-defense-science-and-technology-dst}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.fulbright.org.au/applicants/us-applicants/american-fulbright-distinguished-chair-opportunities/u-s-fulbright-distinguished-chair-in-advanced-science-and-technology/}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Advanced Science and Technology aims to attract outstanding U.S. researchers to work in Australia in priority areas of research for DST Group that will lead to ongoing collaborative partnerships between Australia and the U.S. and develop skills and capabilities in emerging fields of science and technology.

The Fulbright Distinguished Chair will be appointed to the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group (DST Group), or another Australian research institution that is linked to DST Group, for the relevant research program. The Chair will work on a specific research project during their term (5-6 months), and be expected to engage with faculty and students through occasional guest lectures and seminars. They will also explore long-term collaborations and institutional linkages. The project must meet the objectives of the Fulbright program to foster mutual understanding through educational and cultural exchange and support the binational relationship.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/75_fulbright_distinguished_chair_in_advanced_defense_science_and_technology_dst_154979521167.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361516, name='Council for International Exchange of Scholars'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1725148800000}'}, {id=154979521168, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480147, path='joseph-frasca-excellence-in-aviation-scholarship', name='Joseph Frasca Excellence in Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Joseph Frasca Excellence in Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Junior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Jun}', 7='{type=string, value=University Aviation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact University Aviation Association at hello@uaa.aero. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=joseph-frasca-excellence-in-aviation-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The Frasca family established this scholarship through the University Aviation Association (UAA) in the name of their son, Joseph Frasca. Joseph excelled as an undergraduate aviation student earning a reputation as a dedicated and competent scholar. His tireless efforts to promote and support aviation resulted in significant worldwide contributions to the industry and his abilities as an aerobatic pilot and ambassador of aviation provided many hours of enjoyment to thousands of people. He was indefatigable in reaching the highest standards of performance and achievement in every challenge he faced.}', 17='{type=string, value=Must be a junior or senior currently enrolled in a University Aviation Association (UAA) member institution. If you cannot obtain your UAA member institution number locally, please call UAA at 334-528-0300 or email them at uaamail@uaa.aero • Evidence of excellence in activities, studies, events, organizations, etc., related to aviation. • Minimum of a 3.0 overall grade point average. • Federal Aviation Administration certification/qualifications in either aviation maintenance or • Membership in at least one Aviation organization such as Alpha Eta Rho, NIFA Flying Team, Experimental Aircraft Association, Warbirds of America, etc. • Involvement in Aviation activities, projects, events, etc., which will demonstrate an interest and an enthusiasm for aviation. • Must be a junior or senior currently enrolled in a University Aviation Association (UAA) member institution. If you cannot obtain your UAA member institution number locally, please call UAA at 334-528-0300 or email them at uaamail@uaa.aero . • Completed application form, essay and letter of reference.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.uaa.aero/docs/2020_FrascaScholarshipApplication_3.doc}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.uaa.aero/uaa_scholarships.php}', 20='{type=string, value=7-Apr-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Frasca family established this scholarship through the University Aviation Association (UAA) in the name of their son, Joseph Frasca. Joseph excelled as an undergraduate aviation student earning a reputation as a dedicated and competent scholar. His tireless efforts to promote and support aviation resulted in significant worldwide contributions to the industry and his abilities as an aerobatic pilot and ambassador of aviation provided many hours of enjoyment to thousands of people. He was indefatigable in reaching the highest standards of performance and achievement in every challenge he faced.

Aim of Scholarship: The Joseph Frasca Excellence in Aviation Scholarship was established through the University Aviation Association to encourage others to reach the highest level of achievement in their aviation studies and awards $2,000. It is bestowed upon those who demonstrate a commitment and devotion to aviation in the tradition of Joseph Frasca.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/76_joseph_frasca_excellence_in_aviation_scholarship_154979521168.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}, {id=156301682953, name='Summer Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361620, name='University Aviation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1725148800000}'}, {id=154979521162, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480144, path='nasa-connecticut-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-scholarship', name='NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Oct}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium at ctspgrant@hartford.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nasa-connecticut-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://ctspacegrant.org/undergraduate-graduate}', 20='{type=string, value=22-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) offers Undergraduate Research Grants to support undergraduate researchStudents can receive one award per academic year. The number and amount of awards given each year can be found on the NASA CTSGC website. The CTSGC's mission is to support NASA STEM Engagement goals and objectives. The CTSGC also offers a new undergraduate scholarship for students interested in fields of interest to NASA. The NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships (NIFS) category includes:

  • Graduate and undergraduate research fellowships
  • Scholarships
  • Project grants
  • Student travel grants
  • NASA internships Applicants for NASA scholarships are evaluated on their academic achievement, financial need, and involvement in school or community activities. 
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/70_nasa_connecticut_space_grant_consortium_undergraduate_scholarship_154979521162.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361525, name='NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1727740800000}'}, {id=154979521163, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480145, path='nshss-foundation-stem-scholarship', name='NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Freshman}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Oct}', 7='{type=string, value=National Society of High School Scholars}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Society of High School Scholars at information@nshss.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=Students must belong to an underrepresented group, including, but not limited to the Race/Ethnicities listed below, in order to apply.}', 14='{type=string, value=nshss-foundation-stem-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.nshss.org/scholarships/s/nshss-foundation-stem-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=19-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarship is for high school seniors who want to major in or pursue a STEM degree. The scholarship is for underrepresented groups and is intended to help reduce financial barriers.

To be eligible for the NSHSS Foundation STEM Scholarship, students must:
  • Be a high school senior
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Be pursuing a degree in, or closely related to, one of the following STEM disciplines:
    • Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
    • Biosciences/Pre-med/health-related fields
    • Chemical Engineering The scholarship covers the cost of college expenses for four years, including tuition, living expenses, books, and other educational expenses. 

The NSHSS Foundation also offers scholarships for STEM majors in other areas, such as business, economics, public policy, and environmental science and sustainability. 

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/71_nshss_foundation_stem_scholarship_154979521163.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682949, name='Scholarships for Black Students'}, {id=156301682952, name='Scholarships for Minority Scholarships'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361603, name='National Society of High School Scholars'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1727740800000}'}, {id=154979521164, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480145, path='bonita-jean-olson-memorial-scholarship', name='Bonita Jean Olson Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Bonita Jean Olson Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Oct}', 7='{type=string, value=Women in Aviation International}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Women in Aviation International at scholarship@wai.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=bonita-jean-olson-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Meet all WAI scholarship requirements and guidelines, GPA 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale), enrolled in accredited U.S. engineering program, U.S. citizen or permanent resident. To complement the scholarship, American/American Eagle will host the winner with attendance to the 25th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida (including air travel, hotel and Conference registration).}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.wai.org/error/notfound/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.wai.org/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=19-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

Bonnie started her career as an educator, moving on to the aviation and aerospace industry, and spending almost 30 years working in commercial aviation and space programs. Upon retirement her passion for aviation blossomed while volunteering at The Museum of Flight, where she loved to lead tours attired as a Women Airforce Service

Pilot (WASP) and share their stories. Bonnie always wanted to extend the opportunities for women in aviation, and we, her family, are proud to fund a scholarship in her name. In addition to all WAI requirements, the applicant shall be pursuing higher education toward a STEM career with plans to enter a career in aviation or aerospace. The applicant must be enrolled (or committed to attending) an accredited institution (includes two- and four-year colleges, technical institutes, and certificate programs), have experience volunteering in STEM or aviation-related events and/or WAI activities in the previous year. In your WAI application essay, include detailed explanations of the applicant’s career plans, goals, and volunteer experiences.

The scholarship must be expensed within one year of receipt and will be paid directly to an accredited program/institution. Funds may be applied to tuition, books, or laboratory fees. STEM careers include science, technology, engineering, mathematics, business, air traffic controller, avionics technician, dispatch certification, aircraft mechanic, meteorologist, or educator for the subject matters. Funds may not be used for housing, transportation, flight training, meals, or incidental expenses.

Preference will be given to local candidates within the Seattle/Washington state area, but all applicants will be considered based upon character, need, community involvement, and accomplishments.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/72_bonita_jean_olson_memorial_scholarship_154979521164.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361624, name='Women in Aviation International'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1727740800000}'}, {id=154979521165, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480146, path='women-in-aviation-scholarship', name='Women in Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Women in Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Oct}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium at cbolz@carthage.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=women-in-aviation-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.carthage.edu/live/profiles/2005-women-in-aviation-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Sep-23}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/73_women_in_aviation_scholarship_154979521165.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361526, name='NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1727740800000}'}, {id=154979521166, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480146, path='epic-flight-academy-aviationpilot-scholarship', name='Epic Flight Academy Aviation/Pilot Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Epic Flight Academy Aviation/Pilot Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 - $20,000}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Oct}', 7='{type=string, value=Epic Flight Academy}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Epic Flight Academy Aviation/Pilot Scholarship winner will be announced: November 4, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Epic Flight Academy at communications@epicflightacademy.com. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=Applicants must be able to present a Third Class Medical Certificate, in addition to meeting the below eligibility requirements.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Juniors & Seniors,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=8, name='2-minute-long Youtube video', order=7, label='2-minute-long Youtube video'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=epic-flight-academy-aviation-pilot-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://epicflightacademy.com/aviation-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=13-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

High School Scholarship Requirements:

  • First, the applicant must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.

  • Furthermore, the applicant must currently be a junior or senior attending high school in the U.S. for the flight training scholarships.

  • For the aircraft mechanic scholarship, applicants must currently be a senior attending high school in the U.S.

  • Applicants must be turning 16 years of age or older on or before December 31, 2023 (flight training); or, you must be 18 years old by time of completing program (aircraft mechanic)

  • All applicants must be able to start training within 12 months of receiving the scholarship.

  • Also, you must be able to use the scholarship within 24 months.

  • Additionally, you must have parent or guardian’s approval if under 18 years of age.

  • Most importantly, applicants must have consistent, reliable transportation to attend Epic Flight Academy or be willing to relocate here during training.

  • Finally, you must be able to present a Third Class Medical for the flight training scholarship.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/74_epic_flight_academy_aviationpilot_scholarship_154979521166.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361518, name='Epic Flight Academy'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1727740800000}'}, {id=154979521147, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480137, path='international-society-of-women-type-rating-scholarships', name='International Society of Women Type Rating Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=International Society of Women Type Rating Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$10,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Nov-24}', 7='{type=string, value=International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21)}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21) at scholarship@isa21.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=international-society-of-women-type-rating-scholarships}', 18='{type=string, value=https://isa21.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TYPE-RATING-SCHOLARSHIP-FORM-b.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://isa21.org/type-rating-scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

ISA+21 awards two B737 or A320 type ratings valued each at $10,000 each year. 

Type Rating Scholarship winners will complete their training with Flight Training International in Miami, Dallas, or Denver USA.  

Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • An ATP (or ICAO equivalent) license 
  • A minimum of 2500 hours total flight time
  • A minimum of 500 multi-engine turbine flight time included in the total time, and 
  • A current first class medical certificate
  • In pursuit of a career as an airline pilot


  • Only one Type Rating Scholarship is allowed in a lifetime
  • Applicants may apply as many times as they wish
  • Winner has 18 months to complete training
  • Funds will be paid directly to the approved flight school
  • The winner is responsible for travel, housing, and personal expenses during training
  • Open to female applicants, as indicated on their pilot certificate
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/55_international_society_of_women_type_rating_scholarships_154979521147.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361523, name='International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21)'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521157, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480142, path='women-in-stem-excel-scholarship', name='Women In STEM Excel Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Women In STEM Excel Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Nov}', 7='{type=string, value=Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery at womeninstemscholarship@gmail.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=women-in-stem-excel-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.andersonsobelcosmetic.com/wise-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Oct-23}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/65_women_in_stem_excel_scholarship_154979521157.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361510, name='Anderson Sobel Cosmetic Surgery'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521158, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480143, path='regeneron-science-talent-search', name='Regeneron Science Talent Search', 1='{type=string, value=Regeneron Science Talent Search}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 - $250,000}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Nov}', 7='{type=string, value=Society for Science and the Public}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Society for Science and the Public at sts@societyforscience.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=regeneron-science-talent-search}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.societyforscience.org/regeneron-sts/application-requirements/}', 20='{type=string, value=5-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Science Talent Search (STS), the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors, was launched by the Society and Westinghouse in 1942.

Then and today, the competition seeks to identify the nation’s next generation of scientific leaders. The 40 STS finalists receive scholarships and a trip to Washington D.C. where they have an opportunity to interact with one another in addition to meeting prominent scientists and politicians.

Westinghouse sponsored the competition for the first 55 years, followed by Intel from 1998-2016. STS is currently sponsored by Regeneron as part of a 10-year, $100 million commitment to the Society. Today, nearly 2,000 high school seniors apply to Regeneron STS annually, competing for more than $3 million in awards, including a top prize of $250,000.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/66_regeneron_science_talent_search_154979521158.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361609, name='Society for Science and the Public'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521159, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480143, path='vertical-flight-society-äì-arizona-chapter-scholarship', name='Vertical Flight Society ‚Äì Arizona Chapter Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Vertical Flight Society ‚Äì Arizona Chapter Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 - $3,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Nov}', 7='{type=string, value=Vertical Flight Society Arizona Chapter}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Vertical Flight Society ‚Äì Arizona Chapter Scholarship winner will be announced: December 18, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Vertical Flight Society Arizona Chapter at scholarships@vfsaz.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=vertical-flight-society-arizona-chapter-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://vfsaz.org/scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=3-Oct-23}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/67_vertical_flight_society_%C3%A4%C3%AC_arizona_chapter_scholarship_154979521159.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361621, name='Vertical Flight Society Arizona Chapter'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521160, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480143, path='international-society-of-women-airline-pilots-financial-scholarship', name='International Society of Women Airline Pilots Financial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=International Society of Women Airline Pilots Financial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Nov}', 7='{type=string, value=International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21)}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21) at scholarship@isa21.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=international-society-of-women-airline-pilots-financial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://isa21.org/financial-scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=10-Oct-23}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/68_international_society_of_women_airline_pilots_financial_scholarship_154979521160.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361523, name='International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21)'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521161, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480144, path='bob-gana-memorial-scholarship', name='Bob Gana Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Bob Gana Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Nov}', 7='{type=string, value=Bold.org}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Bob Gana Memorial Scholarship winner will be announced: December 1, 2023. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Bold.org at contact@bold.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=bob-gana-memorial-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://bold.org/scholarships/bob-gana-memorial-scholarship/#ref=exclusive-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Bob Gana was an accomplished welder and machinist. Through hard work and a dedication to continuous learning, Bob built a successful career doing work he really enjoyed. He travelled the world with his job at General Electric, sharing stories about his experiences in power plants in and outside the United States. The Bob Gana Memorial Scholarship was created to inspire others that are interested in further developing their talents in welding, machining or similar trades.

Bob's wife and 2 daughters miss him immensely after his sudden death in December, 2022 due to complications from diabetes. To celebrate Bob's memory, this scholarship was created in his honor. Bob was a proud member of many unions throughout his career.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/69_bob_gana_memorial_scholarship_154979521161.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671363, name='Fall Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361513, name='Bold.org'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1730419200000}'}, {id=154979521150, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480139, path='pioneers-of-flight-scholarship', name='Pioneers of Flight Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Pioneers of Flight Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores & Juniors}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=National Air Transportation Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Air Transportation Foundation at safety1st@nata.aero. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=pioneers-of-flight-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF) established the Pioneers of Flight Scholarship Program in 1989 to offer financial assistance and encouragement to young people in the pursuit of academic excellence.}', 17='{type=string, value=• College students in their sophomore or junior year who are enrolled in a full- time aviation degree program at an accredited four-year college or university • A high academic achiever with a 3.0 GPA or better, on a 4.0 scale • Able to demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in general aviation.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://nataaero.wufoo.com/forms/pioneers-of-flight-scholarship/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.nata.aero/scholarships/pioneers-of-flight-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=30-Mar-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF) established the Pioneers of Flight Scholarship Program in 1989 to offer financial assistance and encouragement to young people in the pursuit of academic excellence. By making scholarships available, NATF's ultimate goal is to foster and promote careers in the general aviation industry.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/58_pioneers_of_flight_scholarship_154979521150.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361600, name='National Air Transportation Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521151, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711998547086, path='interstellar-research-group-undergraduate-college-scholarship-program', name='Interstellar Research Group Undergraduate College Scholarship Program', 1='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group Undergraduate College Scholarship Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group }', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to the below application materials, interested students must submit a completed application and a brief (one page) explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Interstellar Research Group Undergraduate College Scholarship Program winner will be announced: April 15, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Interstellar Research Group at scholarship@irg.space. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=interstellar-research-group-undergraduate-college-scholarship-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://irg.space/scholarships/2024-scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The scholarships (including the Tim Bolgeo Memorial Scholarship) are sponsored by IRG supporters Baen Books and Rob and Ruann Hampson are merit-based, and require applicants to complete an essay with their application forms.

Applicants for the undergraduate scholarships must be high school seniors or present undergraduates in the United States and its territories who plan to pursue their first undergraduate degree in any related field related to interstellar travel missions and establishing successful civilizations at any accredited, four-year American college or university. Applicants for the graduate scholarship must be full-time college or university students majoring in field related to interstellar travel missions and seeking a graduate degree (e.g. MS, EngD, JD, non-exclusive) from an accredited college or university in the United States.

The Interstellar Research Group “was created to foster and assist the study, research and experimentation necessary to make human interstellar travel a reality, with untold benefits to life on Earth,” said IRG President Emeritus John Preston. “We can imagine no better way to demonstrate that goal than the creation of these scholarships, helping new generations of thinkers, builders and explorers to set their sights on the stars.”

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/59_interstellar_research_group_undergraduate_college_scholarship_program_154979521151.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361524, name='Interstellar Research Group'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521152, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711998575187, path='interstellar-research-group-masteräôs-graduate-college-scholarship-program', name='Interstellar Research Group Master‚Äôs Graduate College Scholarship Program', 1='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group Master's Graduate College Scholarship Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group }', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to the below application materials, interested students must submit a completed application and a brief (one page) explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Interstellar Research Group Master‚Äôs Graduate College Scholarship Program winner will be announced: April 15, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Interstellar Research Group at scholarship@irg.space. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=interstellar-research-group-master-s-graduate-college-scholarship-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://irg.space/scholarships/2024-scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The scholarships (including the Tim Bolgeo Memorial Scholarship) are sponsored by IRG supporters Baen Books and Rob and Ruann Hampson are merit-based, and require applicants to complete an essay with their application forms.

Applicants for the undergraduate scholarships must be high school seniors or present undergraduates in the United States and its territories who plan to pursue their first undergraduate degree in any related field related to interstellar travel missions and establishing successful civilizations at any accredited, four-year American college or university. Applicants for the graduate scholarship must be full-time college or university students majoring in field related to interstellar travel missions and seeking a graduate degree (e.g. MS, EngD, JD, non-exclusive) from an accredited college or university in the United States.

The Interstellar Research Group “was created to foster and assist the study, research and experimentation necessary to make human interstellar travel a reality, with untold benefits to life on Earth,” said IRG President Emeritus John Preston. “We can imagine no better way to demonstrate that goal than the creation of these scholarships, helping new generations of thinkers, builders and explorers to set their sights on the stars.”

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/60_interstellar_research_group_masters_graduate_college_scholarship_program_154979521152.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361524, name='Interstellar Research Group'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521154, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480141, path='interstellar-research-group-doctoral-graduate-college-scholarship-program', name='Interstellar Research Group Doctoral Graduate College Scholarship Program', 1='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group Doctoral Graduate College Scholarship Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=Interstellar Research Group}', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to the below application materials, interested students must submit a completed application and a brief (one page) explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Interstellar Research Group Doctoral Graduate College Scholarship Program winner will be announced: April 15, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Interstellar Research Group at scholarship@irg.space. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=interstellar-research-group-doctoral-graduate-college-scholarship-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://irg.space/scholarships/2024-scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The scholarships (including the Tim Bolgeo Memorial Scholarship) are sponsored by IRG supporters Baen Books and Rob and Ruann Hampson are merit-based, and require applicants to complete an essay with their application forms.

Applicants for the undergraduate scholarships must be high school seniors or present undergraduates in the United States and its territories who plan to pursue their first undergraduate degree in any related field related to interstellar travel missions and establishing successful civilizations at any accredited, four-year American college or university. Applicants for the graduate scholarship must be full-time college or university students majoring in field related to interstellar travel missions and seeking a graduate degree (e.g. MS, EngD, JD, non-exclusive) from an accredited college or university in the United States.

The Interstellar Research Group “was created to foster and assist the study, research and experimentation necessary to make human interstellar travel a reality, with untold benefits to life on Earth,” said IRG President Emeritus John Preston. “We can imagine no better way to demonstrate that goal than the creation of these scholarships, helping new generations of thinkers, builders and explorers to set their sights on the stars.”

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/62_interstellar_research_group_doctoral_graduate_college_scholarship_program_154979521154.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361524, name='Interstellar Research Group'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521155, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480141, path='aiaa-roger-w-kahn-scholarship', name='AIAA Roger W. Kahn Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=AIAA Roger W. Kahn Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$10,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) at k-12stem@aiaa.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=aiaa-roger-w-kahn-scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.aiaa-awards.org/a/solicitations/1378/home}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/k-12-students/scholarships/aiaa-roger-w.-kahn-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

AIAA is awarding up to four $10,000 scholarships to high school seniors who enroll in an engineering major at a college or university!

The Roger W. Kahn Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Roger Kahn (1907–1962) and his passion for aviation and entertainment. Kahn spent the latter part of his career at Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation as a test pilot and then managed the technical service and sales division. In the 1940s, Kahn was actively involved with the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences (one of the predecessor organizations of AIAA) and later served as its vice president. Kahn also was an accomplished jazz musician as early as the 1920s, composing songs often featured in stage productions and early films, as well as leading numerous orchestras. He became a recording artist for some of the first record labels including Victor, Brunswick, and Columbia.

Scholarship also includes:

  • Complimentary airfare and hotel to attend the 2024 AIAA Awards Gala
  • A mentor from AIAA’s professional members to help guide the student to achieve a career in aerospace.

Applications for the AIAA Roger W. Kahn Scholarship open 1 September and close on 31 December at 2359 hrs ET.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/63_aiaa_roger_w_kahn_scholarship_154979521155.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361509, name='American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521156, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480142, path='national-space-club-and-foundation-keynote-scholarship', name='National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$15,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=24-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=National Space Club & Foundation}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application and the below application materials. Students' videos must address why they are inspired by space. }', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Space Club & Foundation at scholarship@spaceclub.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Seniors, College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens,Academic Interest Agribusiness, Agriculture, Food Science/Nutrition, Horticulture/Floriculture, Natural Resources, Environmental Science, Paper and Pulp Engineering, Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Computer Science, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science/Engineering, Marine/Ocean Engineering, Construction Engineering/Management, Surveying, Drafting, Biology, Entomology, Oncology, Marine Biology, Neurobiology, Math, Statistics, Science, Technology, and Society, Behavioral Science, Natural Sciences, Archaeology, Sports/Exercise Science, Physical Sciences, Meteorology/Atmospheric Science, Earth Science, Hydrology, Oceanography, Materials Science, Psychology, Fire Science/Firefighting, Aviation/Aerospace, Transportation, Radiology, Environmental Health, Animal/Veterinary Sciences, Insurance/Actuarial Science, Cybersecurity, Chemistry, Medicine}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=5, name='Statement of Intent', order=4, label='Statement of Intent'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}, {id=12, name='Video', order=11, label='Video'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=national-space-club-and-foundation-keynote-scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.spaceclub.org/scholarship/app_start.html}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.spaceclub.org/scholarship/index.html}', 20='{type=string, value=16-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=The National Space Club and Foundation offers a scholarship for a high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student planning a career in STEM fields. This opportunity allows the recipient to deliver the keynote address at the prestigious Goddard Memorial Dinner. The scholarship awards $15,000 to a U.S. citizen, covering tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year. Eligibility criteria include being a high school senior to a graduate student, intent on pursuing a STEM career, and planning to attend an accredited U.S. college or university. Applications must include a completed form, video submission, transcript, and letters of recommendation.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/64_national_space_club_and_foundation_keynote_scholarship_154979521156.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361604, name='National Space Club & Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1733011200000}'}, {id=154979521142, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480135, path='tuskegee-airmen-scholarship', name='Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=25-Jan}', 7='{type=string, value=Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation at lewisei@aol.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=tuskegee-airmen-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.taisf.org/scholarship-information.html}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Tuskegee Airmen, one of the most recognized and decorated groups to serve in the Army Air Corps during World War II,  are now leading the fight for educational excellence. By providing scholarships for first-year students entering college, the Tuskegee Airmen remain active and engaged in one of today's most critical causes, bridging the gap between high school and post-secondary education.

Continuing a legacy of courage and commitment to issues of social justice and equality, the Tuskegee Airmen in 1978 created a fund aimed at providing scholarships for deserving students, the financially challenged, as well as the children of servicemen. These undergraduate scholarships serve to supplement the heavy financial burden of students entering college and are offered to African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, other ethnic minorities as well as other applicants without regard to race.

The scholarship fund, now named the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation (TASF) has granted over 1,580 scholarships totaling over $2 million to help needy students pay for college. Each year the Foundation with the support of dedicated donors, government employees, corporations, and educational advocates, presents $1,500 scholarship awards to 40 students who instill the ideals, leadership and commitment as exemplified by the Tuskegee Airmen.

The Foundation places particular emphasis on students who will pursue careers in aviation, aerospace, and science technology, honoring the living and deceased members of the Tuskegee Airmen who overcame racial barriers to achieving their dreams of becoming pilots, aviators, as well as air and ground support personnel.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/50_tuskegee_airmen_scholarship_154979521142.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361617, name='Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521143, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480135, path='cap-cadet-academic-scholarships', name='CAP Cadet Academic Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=CAP Cadet Academic Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 - $2,500}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-Jan}', 7='{type=string, value=Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: This scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and trade/technical schools. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary at info@gocivilairpatrol.com.}', 14='{type=string, value=cap-cadet-academic-scholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/programs/cadets/cadetinvest/academic-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=4-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=Academic scholarships are monetary awards used to support CAP Cadets pursuing their undergraduate or graduate education. Monies are to be used for tuition, books, or room and board at any post-secondary school (i.e: college, university, vocational-technical school, etc.). Scholarship recipients must ensure that the money is used responsibly. Applicants may pursue any course of study. This year, scholarships will be made in varying amounts from $1,000 to $2,500.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/51_cap_cadet_academic_scholarships_154979521143.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361515, name='Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521144, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480136, path='amelia-earhart-academic-scholarship', name='Amelia Earhart Academic Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Amelia Earhart Academic Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$10,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Jan-25}', 7='{type=string, value=The Ninety-Nines, Inc.}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, email your online application, with ‚Äú99s Scholarship Application ‚Äì [scholarship name]‚Äù in the subject line, and the below application materials to scholarshipregistry@ninety-nines.org.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The Ninety-Nines, Inc. at aeapps@ninety-nines.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=The scholarship is open to college students pursuing a career in fields such as aerospace engineering, aviation business management, air traffic management, or professional piloting. Applicants must also meet the below eligibility requirements.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College Students,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace,Miscellaneous,Applicants must be members of the Ninety-Nines.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=amelia-earhart-academic-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.ninety-nines.org/scholarships.htm}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Each year Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships are usually awarded to qualified members for five different scholarship types, including two specialized scholarships: an Emergency Maneuver Training Scholarship and an International Scholarship for pilots in developing countries.  In addition, the Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund (AEMSF) provides Research Scholarship Grants and, for Student Pilot members, the First Wings Awards. 99s members and other individuals have donated to the Fund through their estate bequests, individual gifts, and the Perpetual Scholarship program. Since 1941, the AEMSF has awarded over 800 scholarships plus more than 300 awards to student pilots working toward their first certificate. The amount awarded for these scholarships, including Research Scholar Grants and Fly Now/First Wings Awards exceeds $12 Million. The AEMSF's investment account is currently valued at over $6 Million.

There are five separate Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship applications in order to accommodate the most common types of requests. The applicant should use the application form most appropriate to her circumstances and goal.

Among other eligibility requirements, the applicant must be a member of The Ninety-Nines for at least one year.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/52_amelia_earhart_academic_scholarship_154979521144.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361615, name='The Ninety-Nines, Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521148, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480138, path='lt-col-william-e-hanna-jr-memorial-flight-scholarship', name='Lt Col William E. Hanna, Jr. Memorial Flight Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Lt Col William E. Hanna, Jr. Memorial Flight Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-Jan}', 7='{type=string, value=Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary at legacy@gocivilairpatrol.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=lt-col-william-e-hanna-jr-memorial-flight-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be at least 16 years old by the application deadline • Must have a Third-Class Medical Certificate and valid student pilot certificate with TSA background check (however this is not required to have at time of application, if selected you will have to send copy of both certificates in order to claim your scholarship in March) • Must be a current CAP Cadet • Must be enrolled in a full-time course of study during academic year for which the scholarship is awarded • Must possess and maintain an academic and discipline standard acceptable to the school you attend • Can NOT have previously received this award}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/programs/cadets/cadetinvest/application-procedures}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/programs/cadets/cadetinvest/flight-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=4-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

 Lt Col Hanna’s family and CAP offer this flight scholarship to help cadets attain their Private Pilot's Certificate.  This scholarship provides up to $5,000 which can be used for local flight training at a FBO (FAA part 61 or 141) or training on CAP aircraft with a CAP flight instructor.

  • Must be a current cadet that has completed a CAP Powered Solo Flight Academy at the Wing, Region, or National-level and earned the solo rating
  • Must review the background information on this flight scholarship. Click this link.
  • Submit an essay, no longer than one page, explaining why you should be selected for this scholarship and your knowledge of the life of Lt. Col. Hanna. It should include long-term goals with regard to aviation and service.

The Lt Col William E. Hanna Jr. Memorial Flight Scholarship honors the legacy of Lt Col William E. Hanna Jr., whose career spanned military service in World War II as a navigator on a US Army Air Force OA-10A "Cat", to impactful roles in civil service, including contributions to the Department of Defense, NASA, and the Social Security Administration. Hanna was instrumental in the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) program and introduced computer technology to the SSA. After his military career, he continued his service by engaging in political roles, serving as the Mayor of Rockville, Maryland, and as a Montgomery County Councilman, where he was known for his integrity, innovation, and commitment to arts, affordable housing, and the life sciences sector.

Hanna's dedication extended into community service through the Civil Air Patrol and his elected positions, where he worked tirelessly for the betterment of his community and the country. His contributions to life sciences and affordable housing have left a lasting impact. The flight scholarship named in his honor aims to support cadets in the Civil Air Patrol who have demonstrated a commitment to continuing their education and career in aeronautical fields, reflecting Hanna's values of service, excellence, and innovation.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/56_lt_col_william_e_hanna_jr_memorial_flight_scholarship_154979521148.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361515, name='Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521149, createdAt=1706651021034, updatedAt=1711424480139, path='lyons-aviation-scholarship', name='Lyons Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Lyons Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-Jan}', 7='{type=string, value=The Lyons Aviation Foundation}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, mail your online application and the below application materials to: The Lyons Aviation Foundation, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 381, Eastlake, CO 80614.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Lyons Aviation Scholarship winner will be announced: April 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The Lyons Aviation Foundation at info@lyonsaviation.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents.}', 11='{type=string, value=The scholarship is open to individuals between the ages of 16 and 24 who will be available to complete pilot training to obtain a Private Pilot Certificate within the next six months. Applicants must also be able to obtain a FAA Third-Class Medical certificate and meet the below eligibility requirements.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=lyons-aviation-scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://lyonsaviation.org/application/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://lyonsaviation.org/aviation-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=18-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=$1500 awards yearly aviation scholarship to financially support a deserving young person pursuing their Private Pilot Certificate.
  • You must be between the ages of 16-24 on April 25th of the scholarship year you are applying for
  • You must not currently hold a Private Pilot Certificate- Airplane
  • You must be a US citizen or legal permanent resident
  • You must of good moral character (have no misdemeanor or felony convictions)
  • You must be able to read, write, and speak English to FAA standards
  • You must be able to obtain a FAA Third-Class Medical certificate (only requested if selected for scholarship)
  • The scholarship recipient must commit to using scholarship funds towards their private pilot certificate within 8 months of being named a recipient.

The application is posted in September each year with the deadline being around mid January of the following year.


}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/57_lyons_aviation_scholarship_154979521149.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361614, name='The Lyons Aviation Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521153, createdAt=1706651021035, updatedAt=1711424480140, path='partstack-future-leaders-in-engineering-scholarship', name='Partstack Future Leaders in Engineering Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Partstack Future Leaders in Engineering Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=25-Jan}', 7='{type=string, value=Partstack Corporation}', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to the below application materials, interested students must submit a photo of themselves.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Partstack Corporation at scholarships@partstack.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=partstack-future-leaders-in-engineering-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://partstack.com/scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=25-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=The Future Leaders Scholarship Program is open to high school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students who are pursuing engineering majors—and a one-time $2,500.00 award will be made to a student from each level of study. Qualified applicants must plan to pursue a major in engineering or a STEM-related discipline (i.e., physics, data science, math, etc.). Business majors are also eligible if they have an interest in business as it applies to engineering and/or the semiconductor industry. Students must share an ongoing engineering project they are building/working on and recipients will be selected based on a combination of factors including academic achievement and their passion for finding solutions to today's problems using engineering.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/61_partstack_future_leaders_in_engineering_scholarship_154979521153.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361606, name='Partstack Corporation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1735689600000}'}, {id=154979521094, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480110, path='brill-family-scholarship', name='Brill Family Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Brill Family Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Jan-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Society of Women Engineers}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Society of Women Engineers at hq@swe.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=brill-family-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://swe.org/scholarships/brill-family-scholarship-est-2008/}', 20='{type=string, value=4-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Yvonne and Naomi endowed the Brill Family Scholarship in 2008.  Undergraduate students in their sophomore, junior, or senior year and studying aerospace or biomedical engineering are eligible to apply.

Established in 2008, the Brill Family Scholarship honors the legacy of pioneering aerospace engineer Yvonne Brill and her commitment to mentoring women in engineering. Yvonne's notable inventions, including the hydrazine-resistojet thruster, have significantly advanced satellite technology, leading to her receiving the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Barack Obama in 2011. Her daughter, Naomi Brill, a retired mechanical engineer recognized for her contributions to portable drug pump manufacturing, co-founded the scholarship to continue their tradition of mentorship.

The Brill Family Scholarship focuses on supporting undergraduate students in their sophomore, junior, or senior years who are pursuing aerospace or biomedical engineering degrees. With a financial award of $3,000, the scholarship targets students who are passionate about these fields, reflecting the Brill family's considerable contributions to aerospace and biomedical advancements.

This scholarship not only provides financial assistance but also honors the Brill family's enduring dedication to encouraging younger generations of women in the engineering sector. It's an investment in the future of aerospace and biomedical engineering, aiming to inspire and support students committed to making significant contributions in these innovative fields.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/2_brill_family_scholarship_154979521094.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361610, name='Society of Women Engineers'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738281600000}'}, {id=154979521095, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480111, path='roberta-banaszak-gleiter-engineering-endeavor-scholarship', name='Roberta Banaszak Gleiter Engineering Endeavor Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Roberta Banaszak Gleiter Engineering Endeavor Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Sophomores & Juniors}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Jan-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Society of Women Engineers}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Society of Women Engineers at hq@swe.org. Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: Yes, the Roberta Banaszak Gleiter Engineering Endeavor Scholarship is renewable. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens.}', 14='{type=string, value=roberta-banaszak-gleiter-engineering-endeavor-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://swe.org/scholarships/roberta-banaszak-gleiter-engineering-endeavour-scholarship-est-2013/}', 20='{type=string, value=5-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The scholarship aims to support women engineers who are sophomores or juniors pursuing Aerospace Engineering (AeroE) or Chemical Engineering (ChE) degrees. It offers a $1,500 award, renewable for one year, to assist women in making a difference in engineering,

The Roberta Banaszak Gleiter – Engineering Endeavour Scholarship, established in 2013, commemorates the remarkable career and contributions of Roberta Banaszak Gleiter to the field of engineering and her unwavering support for women in the profession. As a trailblazing chemical engineer who graduated from Purdue University in 1960, Roberta faced significant challenges in a male-dominated field but went on to have a fulfilling career at The Aerospace Corporation from 1980 to 2020.

Throughout her career, Roberta was deeply involved with the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), holding several leadership positions including Society President, and was honored as a SWE Fellow in 2000. Her work extended beyond SWE; she was the CEO of the Global Institute for Technology & Engineering, Vice Chair of the American Association of Engineering Societies, and contributed to the National Science Foundation. Her efforts were recognized with multiple awards, including The Aerospace Corporation Woman of the Year and Purdue’s Outstanding Chemical Engineer Award.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/3_roberta_banaszak_gleiter_engineering_endeavor_scholarship_154979521095.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682950, name='Need-Based Scholarships'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361610, name='Society of Women Engineers'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738281600000}'}, {id=154979521096, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480112, path='fma-solo-program', name='FMA Solo Program', 1='{type=string, value=FMA Solo Program}', 4='{type=string, value=Flight Training & Resources}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Juniors & Seniors}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Jan-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Flying Musicians Association, Inc.}', 8='{type=string, value=To apply for this scholarship, mail your online application, a nomination form, and the below application materials to Education@FlyingMusicians.org.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Flying Musicians Association, Inc. at education@flyingmusicians.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 11='{type=string, value=The scholarship is open to high school juniors or seniors who are nominated by a music director/teacher. Applicants must be able to obtain a 3rd Class FAA medical, state-issued driver's license or equivalent in addition to meeting the requirements below.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level High School Juniors & Seniors,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace, Music}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=3, name='500-word essay', order=2, label='500-word essay'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=fma-solo-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://flyingmusicians.org/fma-solo-program/}', 20='{type=string, value=2-Jun-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) Solo Program is a unique scholarship initiative designed by the Flying Musicians Association, an organization that blends the passions of music and aviation. This program specifically targets high school music students who have a strong desire to learn how to fly. Its main goal is to support these students on their journey to achieve a significant milestone in aviation: the completion of their first solo flight. This is a critical step for anyone aspiring to become a pilot, marking the transition from student to aviator, where they fly an aircraft alone for the first time without an instructor aboard.

The FMA Solo Program recognizes the parallels between the disciplines of music and aviation, particularly the dedication, practice, and precision required to excel in both fields. By leveraging the students' musical discipline, the program aims to foster their development as pilots, underlining the belief that skills honed in music can be effectively translated into flying.

Selected students are provided with scholarships that cover aspects of their flight training up to and including their first solo flight. This financial support is crucial, as it opens up opportunities for young aviators who might otherwise be unable to afford the costs associated with flight training. Beyond the financial aspect, scholarship recipients become part of a community that shares their dual interests in music and aviation, offering networking opportunities, mentorship, and support from like-minded individuals.

FMA Solo Program


  1. Flight Training through solo (~15hrs)
  2. Assistance in obtaining flight training materials
  3. Assistance in obtaining flight gear
  4. Sponsored Student Membership in FMA
  5. FMA shirt & other swag
  6. Designated FMA Youth Ambassador in their region
  7. Opportunity to perform outreach at events


  1. Nominated by music director/teacher
  2. Passion for music
  3. Passion for aviation and desire to Learn to Fly
  4. Junior or Senior High School Music Student
  5. Minimum Age – 16 (by March 31 of the year award is given)
  6. Proof of Citizenship (Country Where Training is to Take Place)
  7. Able to obtain a 3rd Class FAA medical, state issued driver license or equivalent
  8. Parental Approval (if under 18 years old)

Dates to Remember:

  1. Nominations Due by January 31
  2. Finalists Notified March 1
  3. Finalists Acceptance Due March 31
  4. Awards Announced and Recipients Notified May 1
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/4_fma_solo_program_154979521096.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361521, name='Flying Musicians Association, Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738281600000}'}, {id=154979521097, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480112, path='the-leroy-w-homer-jr-foundation-flight-training-scholarship', name='The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation Flight Training Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation Flight Training Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=Full Ride}', 5='{type=string, value=HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Jan-24}', 7='{type=string, value=The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation at info@leroywhomerjr.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=9, name='No essay', order=8, label='No essay'}, {id=11, name='Letters of Recommendation', order=10, label='Letters of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=the-leroy-w-homer-jr-foundation-flight-training-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/leroyhomerscholarship2023}', 20='{type=string, value=13-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Scholarship Application window opens every October 31st and closes the following January 31st. Awards are made each May. Information on the requirements and limitations can be found below.


  1. Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible at this time.
  2. An applicant must be between the age of 16 and 23 years old by the application deadline.
  3. You are eligible if you are pursuing your license on your own, and not part of any college, university or aviation program. In addition, we do not provide loans for any college or university tuition, even if you are in an aviation program.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/5_the_leroy_w_homer_jr_foundation_flight_training_scholarship_154979521097.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361613, name='The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738281600000}'}, {id=154979521098, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480113, path='monte-mitchell-scholarship', name='Monte Mitchell Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Monte Mitchell Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=AEA Convention registration, Travel and Hotel expenses}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Aircraft Electronics Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Aircraft Electronics Association at pamm@aea.net. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College & Graduate Students,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace,Miscellaneous,Applicants must be AEA (Aircraft Electronics Association) member employees who wish to attend the AEA Annual International Convention & Trade Show.}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=monte-mitchell-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=Available to high school seniors and/or college students who plan to or are attending an accredited school in an avionics or aircraft repair program}', 18='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/customerrors/custom404.asp}', 19='{type=string, value=https://aea.net/educationalfoundation/scholarships.asp}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=The Monte Mitchell Scholarship is a dedicated fund designed to support students with a strong interest in pursuing careers in aviation. It is open to high school seniors, college students, and others who demonstrate a commitment and passion for the aviation industry. The scholarship typically offers an award that varies annually but is aimed at helping to cover expenses related to aviation studies, such as tuition, books, and training costs. 

Eligibility for the Monte Mitchell Scholarship generally requires applicants to be enrolled in or accepted to an accredited college, university, or aviation program. Preference is often given to candidates who show significant promise, dedication, and a clear career path in the field of aviation. Requirements may include a minimum GPA, letters of recommendation, and a personal essay detailing the applicant's interest in aviation, career goals, and how the scholarship would help achieve those goals. Additionally, some scholarships of this nature may also require applicants to demonstrate financial need. The scholarship is intended for individuals who are passionate about aviation and are looking to make a significant impact in the field, whether as pilots, engineers, air traffic controllers, or other aviation professionals. }', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/6_monte_mitchell_scholarship_154979521098.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361505, name='Aircraft Electronics Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738368000000}'}, {id=154979521100, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480114, path='vertical-flight-foundation-scholarship', name='Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 - $6,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=The Vertical Flight Society}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact The Vertical Flight Society at jmgibbs@vtol.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=vertical-flight-foundation-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The Vertical Flight Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1967 as the philanthropic arm of the American Helicopter Society (now AHS International). The Foundation is a separate 501(c)(3) charity, formed for the support of education in rotorcraft and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft engineering. The Foundation's scholarships are made possible through voluntary tax-deductible contributions, with all administrative costs covered by AHS. In 1977, the Foundation established a scholarship program for promising undergraduate and graduate students who plan to pursue careers in vertical flight. In the initial years, the Foundation awarded between three and eight $1,000 scholarships annually. Since 1980, the Foundation has awarded over 400 scholarships from $1,000 to $5,000 each. These scholarships have been awarded to students from throughout the world who have demonstrated an interest in pursuing engineering careers in the vertical flight industry. All scholarships are thanks to the generosity and support of our contributors.}', 17='{type=string, value=‚Ä¢ A student does not need to be a member of The Vertical Flight Society. ‚Ä¢ Applicants must be in the relevant degree program at least one-term after the VFF scholarship will be awarded, which is at the Annual Forum in the month of May. ‚Ä¢ Applicants must be a full-time college level student at an accredited school in a technical program. Technical disciplines relevant to complex aeronautics/aeronautics engineering or aviation systems, even if not considered vertical lift engineering, will receive equal consideration. ‚Ä¢ A student can receive a VFF scholarship award once as an Undergraduate, once as a master‚Äôs student, and once as a graduate student.}', 18='{type=string, value=http://www.vtol.org/85060EC0-0E1E-11E1-A3EB0050568D0042}', 19='{type=string, value=https://vtol.org/education/vertical-flight-foundation-scholarships/vff-scholarship-application-process#checklist}', 20='{type=string, value=14-Sep-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship is targeted at students who are pursuing careers related to vertical flight technology. This includes areas such as rotorcraft and VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft design, engineering, and innovation. The scholarship program is designed to support students at various stages of their education, from undergraduate to doctoral levels.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/8_vertical_flight_foundation_scholarship_154979521100.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361616, name='The Vertical Flight Society'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738368000000}'}, {id=154979521101, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480114, path='frank-der-yuen-aviation-scholarship', name='Frank Der Yuen Aviation Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Frank Der Yuen Aviation Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum at scholarships@pearlharboraviationmuseum.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=frank-der-yuen-aviation-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=‚Ä¢ Must be Hawaii resident ‚Ä¢ Must meet the FAA requirements of the certificate according to 14 CFR 61, and have passed an FAA medical examination. There are two scholarship offers to choose from: Initial Pilot Training: Which supports Hawaii residents in acquiring their initial FAA aircraft pilot certificate. The scholarship can be used for any level pilot certificate including: private, sport, recreation and in any category of aircraft (airplane, rotorcraft, or LTA.) OR FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI): Awarded to Hawaii-based FAA Commercial Pilots (or ATPs) getting their initial or additional FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) certificate in any FAA Category aircraft. The applicant must have already satisfactorily completed the FAA-required written test(s) for the CFI certificate, if applicable. A copy of the test completion certificate(s) must be provided with the scholarship application}', 18='{type=string, value=http://www.pamph-machform.com/machform/view.php?id=8}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.pearlharboraviationmuseum.org/education/scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=10-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

Frank Der Yuen was an internationally respected aeronautical engineer, airline executive, and consultant. A graduate of Harvard and MIT, he designed the all-weather, self-propelled passenger loading bridges for airliners that are used in every major airport. Mr. Der Yuen served as Executive Director of the Honolulu Airlines Committee, and vice president of Aloha Airlines. He was one of the designers of the Daniel K. Inouye (Honolulu) International Airport, and helped create Pacific Aerospace Museum once housed there.

The Frank Der Yuen Aviation Scholarship honors the aviation legacy of Frank Der Yuen. It is a competitive program that supports Hawaii residents who want to pursue aviation-related education and training. Financial grants of at least $1,000 are awarded each year to Hawaii residents who have been accepted, or are enrolled, in an aviation-related program at an accredited trade school, college, or university. Awards will be made without regard to gender, race, religion, or national origin.

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/9_frank_der_yuen_aviation_scholarship_154979521101.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361607, name='Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738368000000}'}, {id=154979521099, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424521511, path='wisconsin-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-scholarship-program', name='Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship Program', 1='{type=string, value=Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=5-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year and four-year colleges. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship Program winner will be announced: March 29, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium at spacegrant@carthage.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=wisconsin-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-scholarship-program}', 17='{type=string, value=U.S. citizen, WI resident during academic year• Enrolled full-time in, admitted to, or applied to any undergraduate program at aWSGC college or university• Minimum 3.0 GPA (Proposals that include a GPA of less than 3.0 will be evaluated ona case-by-case basis)• Completed application online (see Supporting Materials Required with Applicationbelow)}', 19='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.carthage.edu/funding-programs/undergraduate/scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) Undergraduate Scholarship Program is designed to support undergraduate students who are pursuing careers in space science and aerospace. This program is specifically targeted at students enrolled in institutions of higher education within the state of Wisconsin. Typically, the scholarship awards amounts vary, aiming to assist students with tuition and academic expenses related to their studies in aerospace-related fields.

Eligibility and Requirements:
  1. Residency and Enrollment: Applicants must be U.S. citizens and enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at a WSGC member institution in Wisconsin. They must demonstrate a strong commitment to a career in space science or aerospace.
  2. Academic Performance: A minimum grade point average (GPA) is often required, demonstrating the applicant's strong academic performance and potential for success in their chosen space-related field.
  3. Field of Study: The scholarship is open to students across various disciplines, provided their course of study is relevant to space science or aerospace. This includes, but is not limited to, engineering, physics, astronomy, and earth science.
  4. Research and Involvement: Preference may be given to students actively participating in research or projects related to space or aerospace. Applicants might need to describe their research or project involvement in their application.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/7_wisconsin_space_grant_consortium_undergraduate_scholarship_program_154979521099.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361526, name='NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738713600000}'}, {id=154979521102, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480115, path='wisconsin-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-research-program', name='Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Program', 1='{type=string, value=Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Program}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=5-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Program winner will be announced: March 29, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium at spacegrant@carthage.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=wisconsin-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-research-program}', 19='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.carthage.edu/funding-programs/undergraduate/research/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

Research awards will be provided to qualified undergraduate students to create and implement a small research study of their own design that is directly related to their interests and career objectives in STEM-related studies supporting NASA Mission Directorates. The student may work alone or with a faculty or research staff advisor; however, the conceptualization and design of the project should be their own. Awards will emphasize effective student research and mentoring arrangements. Students from small colleges and universities, and from departments with newly developing space research infrastructure, are especially encouraged to apply. WSGC will facilitate mentoring arrangements if necessary.

$5,000 Spring 2024
$5,000 Summer 2024
$5,000 Academic Year 2024-2025

Applicants who meet the following requirements can apply for the UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP:

  • U.S. citizen
  • Enrolled full-time in, admitted to, or applied to any undergraduate program at a WSGC college or university
  • Enrolled in a STEM program of study and demonstrating an interest in aerospace or supporting NASA’s mission
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (Proposals that include a GPA of less than 3.0 will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
  • Completed application online (see Supporting Materials Required with Application below)
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/10_wisconsin_space_grant_consortium_undergraduate_research_program_154979521102.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361526, name='NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738713600000}'}, {id=154979521103, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480115, path='wsgc-higher-education-incentives', name='WSGC Higher Education Incentives', 1='{type=string, value=WSGC Higher Education Incentives}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 - $15,000}', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=5-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The WSGC Higher Education Incentives winner will be announced: March 29, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium at rabidouxk@uwplatt.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=wsgc-higher-education-incentives}', 19='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.carthage.edu/funding-programs/faculty/higher-education-incentives/}', 20='{type=string, value=5-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium invites proposals for value-added, higher education teaching/training projects related to any space or aerospace discipline. This is a seed-grant program for faculty implemented undergraduate education projects which support the most innovative ideas on how to increase the space and aerospace content of undergraduate university and college offerings.

Multi-institutional Awards: up to $15,000
Major Awards: up to $10,000
Minor Awards: up to $5,000


  • WSGC affiliate member universities or colleges are eligible. Industry, nonprofit associations, and nonmembers can propose programs and work jointly with one of our academic members, providing the educational activity occurs at a member campus (e.g., visiting lectureship, an extension course, nonprofit group offering).
  • Students funded through this grant must be U.S. Citizens.
  • Affiliate member institutions must have affiliate award agreement documents on file with the WSGC Program Office.
  • Higher Education Incentives must align with at least one of NASA Mission Directorates.
  • The Consortium especially encourages applications from women, underrepresented communities and persons with disabilities.
  • Minimum 1:1 match
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/11_wsgc_higher_education_incentives_154979521103.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361526, name='NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1738713600000}'}, {id=154979521104, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480116, path='nasas-virginia-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-stem-research-scholarships', name='NASA’s Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$8,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Upperclassmen}', 6='{type=string, value=9-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium at rkashiri@odu.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nasa-s-virginia-space-grant-consortium-undergraduate-stem-research-scholarships}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be a U.S. citizen • Must be enrolled as a full-time student (minimum 12 credit hours) at one of the five Virginia Space Grant Consortium member institutions: Virginia Tech, University of Virginia, Old Dominion University, The College of William and Mary, or Hampton University • Must have completed at least two years of a STEM undergraduate program and be classified as a junior or senior during the academic year (must have at least junior status by summer if choosing this option) • Must be in a program of study demonstrating an interest in STEM and supporting NASA’s mission • Must have a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale • Must not graduate before May}', 18='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.net/apps/?pk=vas1}', 19='{type=string, value=https://vsgc.odu.edu/undergraduatescholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=10-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=
The VSGC Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship Program provides awards of up to $8,500 to rising juniors and seniors who are enrolled full-time in a program of study in STEM and have a specific faculty-mentored research project that has NASA or aerospace relevance. Allied Health Sciences majors are not eligible for this program.

This is a competitive scholarship program, funded by NASA and the Commonwealth of Virginia contributions.

Awards are one-year, non-renewable scholarships. Students may apply for the following:

• A $3,000 student stipend during the academic year and
• A $3,500 stipend during summer (must be specified in the application)
• $1,000 research allocation for materials and travel to support research activities conducted during the academic year and/or $1,000 research allocation during the summer (if doing summer research)

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/12_nasas_virginia_space_grant_consortium_undergraduate_stem_research_scholarships_154979521104.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361527, name='NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1739059200000}'}, {id=154979521105, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480116, path='marty-rosness-student-scholarships', name='Marty Rosness Student Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=Marty Rosness Student Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,250 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=23-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Arizona Airports Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Arizona Airports Association at info@azairports.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=marty-rosness-student-scholarships}', 17='{type=string, value=• Applicants are NOT required to be a member of AzAA to apply • Applicants must be enrolled in an aviation related degree or program in the state of Arizona • Scholarship(s) will be awarded at the annual AzAA Spring Conference • Scholarship recipients will be required to attend the AzAA Spring Conference to receive the award • Recipients are provided a complimentary conference registration and reimbursement of mileage and hotel accommodations for the night of the banquet upon receipt of acceptable documentation • Recipient(s) will be advised of the conference dates and locations in advance and must submit a registration form for the conference a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the conference}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.azairports.org/Marty-Rosness-Student-Scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=9-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

One or multiple Marty Rosness Student Scholarship(s) may be awarded annually by the Arizona Airports Association (AzAA) for an amount totaling $2,500 or less (not to exceed $1,250 per recipient). Please note the following provisions:

• Applicants are NOT required to be a member of AzAA to apply
• Applicants must be enrolled in an aviation related degree or program in the state of Arizona
• Scholarship(s) will be awarded at the annual AzAA Spring Conference
• Scholarship recipients will be required to attend the AzAA Spring Conference to receive the award
• Recipients are provided a complimentary conference registration and reimbursement of mileage and hotel accommodations for the night of the banquet upon receipt of acceptable documentation
• Recipient(s) will be advised of the conference dates and locations in advance and must submit a registration form for the conference a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the conference

Application Requirements:

• The entire application, including this page, must be completed and returned to ensure eligibility. It is very important that you answer all questions completely and accurately; incomplete applications will not be considered
• Applicants must submit a current copy of college academic transcripts from the institution they are presently attending
• Applicants may submit a resume or any additional information believed to be pertinent
• If you need additional room to respond to any portion of this application, please attach a sheet that includes a reference to the question or section you are responding to

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/13_marty_rosness_student_scholarships_154979521105.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361511, name='Arizona Airports Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740268800000}'}, {id=154979521106, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480117, path='dan-l-meisinger-sr-memorial-learn-to-fly-scholarship', name='Dan L. Meisinger, Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Dan L. Meisinger, Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=29-Feb-24}', 7='{type=string, value=National Air Transportation Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Dan L. Meisinger, Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship winner will be announced: May 15, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Air Transportation Association at safety1st@nata.aero.}', 14='{type=string, value=dan-l-meisinger-sr-memorial-learn-to-fly-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The fund was established in the honor and memory of Dan L. Meisinger Sr., whose career in aviation spanned 63 years. He was founder of Executive Beechcraft, headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., and was twice named Beech Aircraft's Man of the Year.}', 17='{type=string, value=• A college student currently enrolled in an aviation program. • A high academic achiever with a "B" average or better. • Recommended by a professional of aviation, although direct applications are acceptable. • Residents of Kansas, Missouri or Illinois will be given preference.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.nata.aero/scholarships/dan-l-meisinger-sr-memorial-learn-to-fly-scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.nata.aero/scholarships/dan-l-meisinger-sr-memorial-learn-to-fly-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=2-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The Dan L. Meisinger Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship, in the amount is $2,500, is to be used for the express purpose of initial or primary flight training.

Applicants of the Dan L. Meisinger Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship must be:

  • A college student currently enrolled in an aviation program
  • A high academic achiever with a "B" average or better
  • Recommended by an aviation professional, although direct applications are acceptable
  • Residents of Kansas, Missouri or Illinois will be given preference
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/14_dan_l_meisinger_sr_memorial_learn_to_fly_scholarship_154979521106.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361529, name='National Air Transportation Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740700800000}'}, {id=154979521107, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480117, path='eaa-flight-training-scholarships', name='EAA Flight Training Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=EAA Flight Training Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Experimental Aircraft Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Experimental Aircraft Association Inc. at scholarships@eaa.org.}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=9, name='No essay', order=8, label='No essay'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=eaa-flight-training-scholarships}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be age of 21 or younger • Must express a commitment to pursuing aviation as a profession or as an avocation in adult life}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.eaa.org/eaa/learn-to-fly/scholarships/eaa-flight-training-scholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.eaa.org/eaa/learn-to-fly/scholarships/eaa-flight-training-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=6-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

Available Scholarships Include

  • Air Academy Alumni Scholarship

    Supports initial flight training towards reaching solo flight or private pilot certificate

    Recipient must have attended EAA’s Air Academy and has not yet received their private pilot certificate

  • John S. Bradbury Memorial Scholarship

    Supports flight training for a young person as part of the Young Eagles program interested in the pursuit of flight

  • Friends of Pete Bunce Flight Training Scholarship

    Supports candidates seeking to complete a private pilot certificate or additional rating. Preference given to current and prior Wisconsin residents and those with financial need

  • Adapt to Fly Scholarship

    Created to help those with disabilities explore the world of aviation

    Awarded to a person with a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and that meets the qualifications for a Class 3 Medical or Sport Pilot Certificate, which include, but are not limited to, being at least 17 years of age, a U.S. citizen with a valid driver’s license, and able to operate the controls of a training aircraft

  • Cliff Chetwin Fund

    This fund will be used to support young people in becoming pilots, with preference given to female pilots and flight instructors, and to Young Eagles

  • Tex Edwards Scholarship

    Supports flight training for youth or adults

  • Joey Ermel "Do Your Impeccable Best" Tailwheel Endorsement Scholarship

    Supports an individual to receive their tailwheel endorsement. Preference given to prior or current Young Eagles or Young Eagle Pilot, applicants who actively volunteer with an EAA chapter, and has 50+ total flight hours

  • Noah Favaregh Flight Training Scholarship

    Supports a student who has already soloed but needs financial assistance to complete their training

  • Harrison Ford Scholarship

    Supports a Young Eagle in their dreams of flight or another career in aviation, preference given to those with financial need. Can support EAA Air Academy tuition, flight training support, or any aviation-related degree or technical program

  • Florence Gregory Coffy Endowment Fund

    Helps fund deserving young women to begin or continue flight training

  • Stephen (Ben) Haas Fund

    Supports a student in obtaining aa private pilot certificate, preference given to Young Eagles

  • Richard R. Harper Memorial Scholarship

    Two scholarships available, one to a Young Eagle and one for an Eagle Flight scholarship, with demonstrated financial need and a GPA of 3.8 or greater

  • Jason Kurt Lohr Aviation Scholarship

    Supports fixed wing flight training for a high school graduate aged 18-23 years old, who has completed their first solo flight

  • Tinker Murdock Family Fund

    Supports flight training for a Young Eagle or Next Step applicant seeking to further aviation training by completing a private pilot certificate

    Internship also available for a college student pursuing a degree in the aviation field

  • PenFed Credit Union Scholarship

    Supports students who have a 3.0 or better GPA, as well as significant extracurricular activities, with a preference given to aviation activities. Additional preference will be provided to applicants that have a military background or are part of a military family.

  • WASP Endowment Fund

    Provides funding for flight training not associated with EAA’s Aviation Foundation, preference given to Young Eagles

    Also supports an internship for EAA’s Air Academy summer programs

  • Elgin Wells, Jr. Starjammer CFI Scholarship

    Supports flight training in pursuit of becoming CFI. Must pass FAA written exams for CFI training, and hold a valid pilot certificate or medical certificate prior to being granted the award


}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/15_eaa_flight_training_scholarships_154979521107.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361520, name='Experimental Aircraft Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521108, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480118, path='john-r-lillard-scholarshipkenneth-r-scott-scholarship', name='John R. Lillard Scholarship/Kenneth R. Scott Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=John R. Lillard Scholarship/Kenneth R. Scott Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$3,000 - $6,000}', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Virginia Department of Aviation & Virginia Airport Operators Council}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Virginia Department of Aviation & Virginia Airport Operators Council at betty.wilson@doav.virginia.gov. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=john-r-lillard-scholarship-kenneth-r-scott-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=‚Ä¢ Open to Virginia high school seniors ‚Ä¢ Must have at least a 3.50 unweighted GPA ‚Ä¢ Must be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://doav.virginia.gov/contentassets/099e5bf87d614bd2b4006836a56ad6b5/2019---2020-kenneth-r-scott-scholarship.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://doav.virginia.gov/programs-and-services/education/}', 20='{type=string, value=10-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The John R. Lillard Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) distributes financial assistance to deserving students who are graduating from a public high school within the Commonwealth of Virginia and who are admitted to an institution of higher education in the field of aviation management and/or aviation sciences. Unless otherwise directed by the applicant, the Foundation will consider applicants for both the John R. Lillard and Kenneth R. Scott scholarships. The Foundation reserves the right to award a $3,000 scholarship to two separate applicants or combine both scholarships for a single applicant, at its sole discretion. The Foundation has an equal opportunity policy for judging all applications. 
  • Open to Virginia high school seniors
  • Must have at least a 3.50 unweighted GPA
  • Must be enrolled or accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college.
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/16_john_r_lillard_scholarshipkenneth_r_scott_scholarship_154979521108.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361623, name='Virginia Department of Aviation & Virginia Airport Operators Council'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521109, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480118, path='nancy-stratford-student-pilot-flight-training-scholarship', name='Nancy Stratford Student Pilot Flight Training Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Nancy Stratford Student Pilot Flight Training Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College & Graduate Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=San Diego Ninety-Nines}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact San Diego Ninety-Nines at womenpilots@gmail.com. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nancy-stratford-student-pilot-flight-training-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Must be a Southwest Section Ninety-Nine • Must have a current medical • Must have a private pilot certificate}', 18='{type=string, value=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XD2XJHLW75sh4VogecnihKpU59P0sib3/view}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.sd99s.org/scholarships.html}', 20='{type=string, value=18-Oct-23}', 21='{type=string, value=A $2,000 award to help fund flight training. Applicant must (1) be a female, (2) reside in San Diego County, (3) have a current student medical for PPL award, and (4) a passing score on written test OR completed a solo flight. Funds may be used to help fund Private Pilot training. There is a 90-day limit to apply funds towards training.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/17_nancy_stratford_student_pilot_flight_training_scholarship_154979521109.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156301682948, name='Graduate Student'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}, {id=157270708370, name='San Diego'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361608, name='San Diego Ninety-Nines'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521110, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480119, path='walter-urbigkit-memorial-scholarship', name='Walter Urbigkit Memorial Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Walter Urbigkit Memorial Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Wyoming Community Foundation}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Walter Urbigkit Memorial Scholarship winner will be announced: May 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Wyoming Community Foundation at benk@wycf.org.}', 14='{type=string, value=walter-urbigkit-memorial-scholarship}', 17='{type=string, value=• Specific to graduating seniors of any Wyoming High School and past graduates of Wyoming High Schools • Applicants must be following study in the field of aviation or relate their major field of interest to aviation • Financial need must be demonstrated by completing the Financial Aid Affidavit on the application}', 18='{type=string, value=https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=wyomingscholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://wycf.org/walter-urbigkit-memorial-scholarship/}', 20='{type=string, value=18-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

This a $2,000  scholarship is  for ny graduating senior of any Wyoming high school or past graduate of a Wyoming high school. Graduates of Fremont and Hot Springs Counties have preference. who plan to study a field related to aviation. These fields are listed below. 

  • Aeronautical Science
  • Aeronautical Technology
  • Aerospace Administration
  • Aerospace Electronics
  • Aerospace Maintenance Management
  • Aerospace Technology
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Air Traffic Management
  • Aircraft Fueler
  • Aircraft Loadmaster
  • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
  • Aircraft Maintenance Management
  • Airline Management
  • Airplane Inspector
  • Airport Management
  • Aviation Administration
  • Aviation Computer Science
  • Aviation Electronic Systems
  • Aviation Electronics Technician
  • Aviation Flight Technology
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician
  • Aviation Management
  • Aviation Marketing
  • Aviation Science
  • Avionics Engineering
  • Avionics Management
  • Fire Fighter
  • Flight Attendant
  • Flight Dispatch and Scheduling
  • Flight Dispatcher
  • Flight Operations
  • Flight Operations Management
  • International Air
  • Meteorology
  • Powerplant & Airframe Technology
  • Professional Flight Management
  • Professional Pilot
  • Safety Science
  • Sky Marshal or Air Marshal
  • Transportation Management
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/18_walter_urbigkit_memorial_scholarship_154979521110.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361625, name='Wyoming Community Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521112, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480120, path='eaa-post-secondary-scholarships', name='EAA Post-Secondary Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=EAA Post-Secondary Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Experimental Aircraft Association Inc.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Experimental Aircraft Association Inc. at scholarships@eaa.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 12='{type=string, value=Grade Level College Students,Academic Interest Computer Science, Aviation/Aerospace}', 13='{type=list, value=[{id=1, name='Essay', order=0, label='Essay'}, {id=4, name='Academic transcript', order=3, label='Academic transcript'}, {id=10, name='Letter of Recommendation', order=9, label='Letter of Recommendation'}]}', 14='{type=string, value=eaa-post-secondary-scholarships}', 17='{type=string, value=Must be a junior or senior in good standing• Enrolled in accredited college or university, pursuing a degree Aerospace orAeronautical}', 18='{type=string, value=https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/EAAScholarship2024}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.eaa.org/eaa/learn-to-fly/scholarships/post-secondary-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=6-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=EAA awards more than $75,000 in scholarships for students attending a post-secondary institution with a focus on aviation, including pilot training, aeronautics engineering, aviation management, airframe and powerplant (A&P) maintenance, and more.
  • Must be 16 years old at the time of application deadline
  • Scholarships must be used at a flight-training program or post-secondary institution within the US or Canada
  • Selection criteria varies based on individual scholarships (ex. GPA, state of residence, financial need, etc.)
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/20_eaa_postsecondary_scholarships_154979521112.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361520, name='Experimental Aircraft Association Inc.'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521113, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480120, path='flight-training-scholarships', name='Flight Training Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=Flight Training Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=1-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Experimental Aircraft Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Experimental Aircraft Association at scholarships@eaa.org. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=flight-training-scholarships}', 18='{type=string, value=https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/EAAScholarship2024}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.eaa.org/eaa/learn-to-fly/Scholarships/eaa-flight-training-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=20-Nov-23}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/21_flight_training_scholarships_154979521113.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361519, name='Experimental Aircraft Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1740787200000}'}, {id=154979521111, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480119, path='nasas-virginia-space-grant-consortium-community-college-stem-scholarships', name='NASA’s Virginia Space Grant Consortium Community College STEM Scholarships', 1='{type=string, value=NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium Community College STEM Scholarships}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Freshman}', 6='{type=string, value=8-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at two-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium at vsgc@odu.edu. Q: Is this scholarship renewable? A: No, the NASA’s Virginia Space Grant Consortium Community College STEM Scholarships is not renewable. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nasa-s-virginia-space-grant-consortium-community-college-stem-scholarships}', 19='{type=string, value=https://vsgc.odu.edu/communitycollegescholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) offers $2,000 scholarships to community college students majoring in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/19_nasas_virginia_space_grant_consortium_community_college_stem_scholarships_154979521111.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361527, name='NASA's Virginia Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1741392000000}'}, {id=154979521114, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480121, path='nasadesgc-undergraduate-tuition-awards', name='NASA/DESGC Undergraduate Tuition Awards', 1='{type=string, value=NASA/DESGC Undergraduate Tuition Awards}', 4='{type=string, value=$5,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=8-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium at DESpaceGrant@udel.edu. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=nasa-desgc-undergraduate-tuition-awards}', 18='{type=string, value=https://spacegrant.net/apps/def1}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.delspace.org/fellowships-internships/}', 20='{type=string, value=12-Nov-23}', 21='{type=string, value=Fellowships provide stipends of $31,000 to highly qualified graduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are currently attending a DESGC member institution. Stipends are for one full year, and all recipients of these awards must be US Citizens.}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/22_nasadesgc_undergraduate_tuition_awards_154979521114.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156290671362, name='STEM Scholarships'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361517, name='Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1741392000000}'}, {id=154979521115, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480121, path='uniballs-skilled-trades-scholarship', name='Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Uniball's Skilled Trades Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=13-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=Bold.org}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Uniball’s Skilled Trades Scholarship winner will be announced: April 13, 2024. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact Bold.org at contact@bold.org. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=uniball-s-skilled-trades-scholarship}', 18='{type=string, value=https://bold.org/apply/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://bold.org/scholarships/uniballs-skilled-trades-scholarship/#ref=exclusive-scholarships}', 20='{type=string, value=13-Feb-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

In honor of Dan "Uniball" Lansing.

The ideal applicant for this scholarship:

  • Will be or is going to a trade school – welding, electrician, plumbing, etc.
  • Has overcome some personal adversity.
  • Is a high school senior or currently at a trade school.

To apply, please answer three simple questions. We encourage focusing on quality over quantity in your responses.

1. What trade are you pursuing and why are you passionate about it?

2. What are your future plans after your trade education?

3. Describe a time in your life when you overcame adversity? How did you work through it?

}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/23_uniballs_skilled_trades_scholarship_154979521115.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987637, name='High School Freshman'}, {id=156163987638, name='High School Sophomore'}, {id=156163987639, name='High School Junior'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361513, name='Bold.org'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1741824000000}'}, {id=154979521116, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480122, path='richard-l-taylor-flight-training-scholarship', name='Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$1,500 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Seniors & College Students}', 6='{type=string, value=29-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=National Air Transportation Foundation}', 8='{type=string, value=In addition to the below application materials, interested students must submit a copy of their pilot's license.}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: When will the winner of this scholarship be announced? A: The Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship winner will be announced: June of the application year. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact National Air Transportation Foundation at safety1st@nata.aero. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=richard-l-taylor-flight-training-scholarship}', 15='{type=string, value=The scholarship is named after Richard L. Taylor, Associate Professor Emeritus, and for 22 years a member of the Aviation Department at the Ohio State University. The last seven of those years he held the position of Director of Flight Operations and Education. Professor Taylor is the award winning author of 14 aviation books including Instrument Flying, IFR for VFR Pilots and Understanding Flying. Professor Taylor's vision, insight and drive helped expand flight education and training at Ohio State. His distinctive leadership fostered extensive opportunities for aviation students to further their careers as professional pilots.}', 17='{type=string, value=• Be enrolled in an accredited college/university. • Be enrolled in a flight program through the college/university with aspirations to become a professional pilot (general or commercial aviation). • Have a private pilot's license - a copy must be included in application the packet. • Have a GPA of 3.0 or greater. (Applicant must submit an official transcript). • Complete the official application.}', 18='{type=string, value=https://nataaero.wufoo.com/forms/richard-l-taylor-flight-training-scholarship/}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.nata.aero/scholarships/richard-l-taylor-flight-training-scholarship}', 20='{type=string, value=17-Jan-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

This scholarship is named after Richard L. Taylor, Professor Emeritus, who for 22 years was the director of flight operations and education at The Ohio State University. Professor Taylor is the award-winning author of 14 books on aviation, including Instrument Flying, IFR for VFR Pilots and Understanding Flying. Professor Taylor's vision, insight and drive helped expand flight education and training at Ohio State. His distinctive leadership fostered extensive opportunities for aviation students to further their careers as professional pilots.

The Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship of $1,500, is to be used for one year of full-time undergraduate study. One award will be granted each year.

Applicants of the Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship must be:

  • Be enrolled in an accredited college/university
  • Be enrolled in a flight program through the college/university with aspirations to become a professional pilot (general or commercial aviation)
  • Have a private pilot's license - a copy must be included in application the packet
  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or greater. (Applicant must submit an official transcript)
  • Complete the official application
  • Be a senior in high school planning a career in the general aviation field


}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/24_richard_l_taylor_flight_training_scholarship_154979521116.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156163987640, name='College Sophomore'}, {id=156163987641, name='College Junior'}, {id=156301682945, name='College Freshman'}, {id=156301682947, name='College Senior'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361600, name='National Air Transportation Foundation'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1743206400000}'}, {id=154979521117, createdAt=1706651021033, updatedAt=1711424480122, path='edward-w-stimpson-aviation-excellence-award', name='Edward W. Stimpson Aviation Excellence Award', 1='{type=string, value=Edward W. Stimpson Aviation Excellence Award}', 4='{type=string, value=$2,000 }', 5='{type=string, value=High School Senior}', 6='{type=string, value=29-Mar-24}', 7='{type=string, value=General Aviation Manufacturers Association}', 10='{type=string, value=Q: Is this scholarship designated for full-time or part-time students? A: This scholarship is designated for full-time enrollment status only. Q: Is this scholarship restricted by institution type? A: Yes, this scholarship is restricted for use at four-year colleges. Q: Who should I contact with any questions about this scholarship? A: For any questions regarding this scholarship application, please contact General Aviation Manufacturers Association at scholarships@gama.aero. Q: Is this scholarship open to international or DACA students? A: No, this scholarship is only open to U.S. Citizens. Q: Where can I find help writing my scholarship essay? A: For help writing the essay component of this scholarship application, check out our guides How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay and How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples). [How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-write-a-winning-scholarship-essay/) [How to Start a Scholarship Essay (With Examples).](https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/how-to-start-a-scholarship-essay-with-examples/)}', 14='{type=string, value=edward-w-stimpson-aviation-excellence-award}', 18='{type=string, value=https://gama.aero/wp-content/uploads/2024-Stimpson-Scholarship-Form.pdf}', 19='{type=string, value=https://gama.aero/opportunities-in-ga/scholarships/}', 20='{type=string, value=11-Dec-23}', 21='{type=string, value=

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) is an international trade association dedicated to fostering and advancing the general welfare, safety, interests, and activities of the global business and general aviation industry. GAMA represents over 140 of the world’s leading manufacturers of general aviation aircraft, engines, avionics, and components, as well as operators of maintenance facilities, fixed base operations, aircraft fleets, and pilot and training facilities. GAMA offers the Edward W. Stimpson Aviation Excellence Award annually as part of its commitment to advancing careers in general aviation. 

Awarded to a graduating U.S. high school senior who has been accepted to and will be enrolled in an aviation degree core program at the student’s chosen college/university.

Scholarship Amount:  $2,000

  1. Be a current student at a U.S. high school, graduating in the Spring of 2024;
  2. Be accepted to and enrolling in an institution for an aviation-related degree program (e.g., flight training, aviation management, aerospace engineering, aviation maintenance); and
  3. Have a 3.0 or better grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). 
}', 22='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://5835091.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5835091/Flexair_2023/images/Aviation_Scholarships/25_edward_w_stimpson_aviation_excellence_award_154979521117.jpg',altText='',fileId=null}}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361522, name='General Aviation Manufacturers Association'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1743206400000}'}, {id=158012476833, createdAt=1708621003664, updatedAt=1711424480158, path='aiaa-lockheed-martin-marillyn-hewson-scholarship', name='AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship', 1='{type=string, value=AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship}', 19='{type=string, value=https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/k-12-students/scholarships/aiaa-lockheed-martin-marillyn-hewson-scholarship}', 4='{type=string, value=$10,000}', 20='{type=string, value=22-Feb-24}', 21='{type=string, value=

The AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship was created in 2022 to encourage young women to study aerospace engineering and pursue a career in the aerospace defense industry. The scholarship is named for Marillyn Hewson, former chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation. She joined Lockheed Martin in 1983 as an industrial engineer. During her career she held leadership positions across the corporation, including president and chief operating officer; executive vice president of Lockheed Martin’s Electronic Systems business area; president of Lockheed Martin Systems Integration; executive vice president of Global Sustainment for Lockheed Martin Aeronautics.

AIAA is awarding one $10,000 scholarship to a female high school senior who is intending to pursue an engineering major at a college or university in the United States or one of its territories.

To Apply:

  • Transcript showing your G.P.A. out of a 4.0 scale
  • A 500-1,000 word essay specifying your career objectives and the academic program you want to follow to achieve them
  • Letter of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or professional references. Letters from friends or family will not be accepted.
  • A resume


Currently enrolled high school senior intending to pursue an aerospace STEM Major in one of the following majors:

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics

Minimum high school GPA of 2.50/4.00

Must be a U.S. Citizen

Must Demonstrate Financial Need

Should demonstrate an interest in a career in the aerospace defense sector

}', 6='{type=string, value=31-Dec}', 7='{type=string, value=American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics}', 23='{type=list, value=[{id=156163987636, name='Aviation Scholarships'}, {id=156301682951, name='Scholarships for Women'}, {id=156681425157, name='High School Senior'}]}', 24='{type=list, value=[{id=155114361509, name='American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'}]}', 28='{type=number, value=1767139200000}'}]