NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium

Written by Paul Wynns

The NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) is a federally mandated grant, scholarship, and fellowship program that is part of NASA's National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Established to promote and support education, research, and outreach in space and aeronautics, NASA’s Space Grant Consortia are present in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, with each consortium tailoring its programs to meet local academic and industry needs while aligning with NASA's strategic goals.

The CTSGC is a dynamic network of academic institutions, industries, and non-profit organizations within Connecticut, working collaboratively to enhance the state’s contributions to aerospace, science, and technology. This consortium aims to inspire and equip a diverse, technologically proficient workforce that can contribute to NASA’s missions and the aerospace sector at large. It achieves these goals by providing numerous educational opportunities, including scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing STEM fields, research grants for faculty and students working on aerospace-related projects, and internship opportunities that offer practical experiences at NASA centers and aerospace industry partners.

Additionally, the CTSGC supports K-12 STEM education initiatives to foster an early interest in space and science fields. Through workshops, competitions, and curriculum development, the consortium seeks to engage students and educators, encouraging the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. Public outreach programs further extend the consortium's reach, increasing community awareness about space exploration and the importance of STEM education for the nation’s future.

The CTSGC’s commitment to fostering diversity in STEM fields is also notable, with specific programs aimed at supporting underrepresented groups in aerospace and science. By investing in a wide array of scholarships, grants, and educational initiatives, the NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium plays a pivotal role in strengthening the state's aerospace workforce and ensuring that Connecticut contributes significantly to national achievements in space exploration and technology development.


NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
College Students

The NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) offers Undergraduate Research Grants to support undergraduate researchStudents can receive one award per academic year. The number and amount of awards given each year can be found on the...