Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium

Written by Paul Wynns

The Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium (DESGC) is part of NASA's National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, which aims to contribute to the nation’s science enterprise by funding education, research, and public engagement projects through a nationwide network. Established by Congress in 1989, this program involves consortia from all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Each consortium is tasked with supporting NASA's objectives through academic scholarships, research initiatives, and educational opportunities related to aerospace, science, and engineering.

The DESGC focuses on advancing aerospace education and research while promoting careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to maintain America's leadership in space exploration and aeronautics. It serves as a bridge between NASA’s educational resources and Delaware’s institutions of higher education, students, and the broader community. The consortium supports various educational levels from K-12 to postgraduate, offering scholarships, fellowships, and internships to help cultivate the next generation of STEM professionals. These initiatives not only enhance students' academic and professional development but also aim to spark a broader interest in space and science across Delaware's communities.

In its mission, the DESGC collaborates closely with academic institutions, industry partners, and educational organizations throughout Delaware to maximize the impact of its programs. By fostering an environment that encourages innovative research and provides educational opportunities in aerospace-related fields, the Delaware NASA Space Grant Consortium plays a pivotal role in inspiring students and professionals alike to contribute to America’s scientific and technological advancement.


NASA/DESGC Undergraduate Tuition Awards

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
College Students
Fellowships provide stipends of $31,000 to highly qualified graduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are currently attending a DESGC member institution. Stipends are for one full year, and all...