International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21)

Written by Paul Wynns

The International Society of Women Airline Pilots (ISA+21) is a pioneering organization dedicated to supporting and advancing the careers of women airline pilots around the globe. Founded in 1978, ISA+21 started as a small group of 21 female pilots who gathered to share their experiences and challenges in a profession that, at the time, had very few women. The "+21" in the name serves as a homage to these founding members and symbolizes the group's roots and ongoing commitment to inclusivity and support. Over the years, it has grown to represent hundreds of women pilots representing dozens of countries and nearly every airline, making it one of the most influential organizations for female aviators worldwide.

ISA+21's mission is to promote the interests of women in the airline industry, offering mentorship, networking opportunities, and professional development resources. Among its most significant initiatives are the scholarship programs it provides to aspiring female pilots. These scholarships are designed to lower the considerable financial barriers associated with pilot training and certification processes. By providing financial assistance, ISA+21 not only supports individual women in achieving their aviation career goals but also actively works towards increasing the representation of women in the cockpit. 

In addition to scholarships, ISA+21 fosters a strong sense of community and belonging among its members through conferences, regional gatherings, and online forums where members can share advice, experiences, and opportunities. The society also engages in advocacy, working to ensure that airlines and regulatory bodies implement policies that facilitate a more diverse and inclusive aviation industry. Through its comprehensive approach to support and advancement, ISA+21 plays a crucial role in inspiring and empowering the next generation of women airline pilots, contributing to a gradual but positive shift towards gender equality in the skies.


International Society of Women Type Rating Scholarships

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
College & Graduate Students

ISA+21 awards two B737 or A320 type ratings valued each at $10,000 each year. 

Type Rating Scholarship winners will complete their training with Flight Training International in Miami, Dallas, or Denver USA. 

Applicants must satisfy all of...