National Business Aviation Association Inc.

Written by Charlie Copeland

The National Business Aviation Association, Inc. (NBAA) is a leading organization in the business aviation community, established in 1947. It represents more than 11,000 companies and professionals that rely on general aviation aircraft to support their businesses. NBAA is dedicated to the advancement of the business aviation sector by promoting policies that foster business aviation, providing educational and networking opportunities for members, advocating for the industry at the national and international levels, and offering extensive resources related to safety, operational best practices, and professional development.

A key component of NBAA's commitment to supporting its community is through its scholarship program, which aligns with its mission to encourage professional growth and excellence within the business aviation industry. The NBAA offers a variety of scholarships aimed at students, pilots, maintenance professionals, schedulers, dispatchers, and other aviation professionals seeking to further their education and careers in business aviation. These scholarships can cover a wide range of opportunities, including but not limited to, professional training and development courses, undergraduate and graduate studies related to aviation, and financial aid for obtaining pilot licenses and certifications.

NBAA's scholarship program is an integral part of its effort to ensure the business aviation industry remains vibrant and competitive by investing in the next generation of professionals. By reducing financial barriers to education and professional development, NBAA scholarships help nurture a diverse pool of talents prepared to meet the challenges and leverage the opportunities within the business aviation field. This initiative not only benefits the individual recipients but also contributes to the broader objective of sustaining the industry's growth and innovation.


UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship

Multiple awards worth
Grade Level
College Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors
Through the UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship, NBAA Charities annually awards a minimum of $1,000 to up to five undergraduates studying aviation-related curricula at NBAA and University Aviation Association (UAA) member institutions.
