FlightSafety/CAE Professional Pilot Training Awards

Written by Charlie Copeland

CABAA, together with independent vendors FlightSafety and CAE, will award two applicants with advanced training toward a career in business aviation. This year, both awards will be a Citation series SIC course. The retail value of each award is approximately $22,200 per scholarship. This award cannot be upgraded to a PIC type rating.

CABAA will provide partial reimbursement to assist with travel expenses. This will not cover all associated travel costs, and recipients will be responsible for remaining expenses.

Preference given to Chicagoland area residents/students.

Multiple awards worth


Application deadline


The Chicago Area Business Aviation Association (CABAA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to representing the interests of business aviation in the Chicago area and beyond. Since its inception, CABAA has been committed to enhancing professionalism and safety within the business aviation community, providing valuable networking opportunities, and advocating for the interests of its members ...

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Graduate Students