The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation Flight Training Scholarship

Written by Paul Wynns

The Scholarship Application window opens every October 31st and closes the following January 31st. Awards are made each May. Information on the requirements and limitations can be found below.


  1. Only U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible at this time.
  2. An applicant must be between the age of 16 and 23 years old by the application deadline.
  3. You are eligible if you are pursuing your license on your own, and not part of any college, university or aviation program. In addition, we do not provide loans for any college or university tuition, even if you are in an aviation program.

The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation was established to honor the memory and continue the legacy of LeRoy Homer, a dedicated pilot and one of the heroes of United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked as part of the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. LeRoy Homer managed to fight against the hijackers, contributing significantly to preventing the aircraft from reaching its intended target, ...

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Eligibility information

HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students
Grade Level HS Upperclassmen, College & Graduate Students,Citizenship,US Citizens, Permanent Residents,Academic Interest Aviation/Aerospace