Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Program

Written by Paul Wynns

Research awards will be provided to qualified undergraduate students to create and implement a small research study of their own design that is directly related to their interests and career objectives in STEM-related studies supporting NASA Mission Directorates. The student may work alone or with a faculty or research staff advisor; however, the conceptualization and design of the project should be their own. Awards will emphasize effective student research and mentoring arrangements. Students from small colleges and universities, and from departments with newly developing space research infrastructure, are especially encouraged to apply. WSGC will facilitate mentoring arrangements if necessary.

$5,000 Spring 2024
$5,000 Summer 2024
$5,000 Academic Year 2024-2025

Applicants who meet the following requirements can apply for the UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP:

  • U.S. citizen
  • Enrolled full-time in, admitted to, or applied to any undergraduate program at a WSGC college or university
  • Enrolled in a STEM program of study and demonstrating an interest in aerospace or supporting NASA’s mission
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (Proposals that include a GPA of less than 3.0 will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
  • Completed application online (see Supporting Materials Required with Application below)

The NASA Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) represents a state-based component of the national effort to maintain America's leadership in technology and innovation through the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, established by Congress in 1989. As one of the 52 consortia participating in this nationwide initiative, WSGC is dedicated to supporting and enhancing STEM (Science, ...

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Eligibility information

High School Seniors & College Students